I see Rosa has added something about this using a little css to hide them so thought I would come up with another version so you can have them hidden by default but enable them quickly if you need to. I have added another option into the Ning bar, as only admins see these anyway, so by clicking the button it will show the grey edit buttons on the page and by clicking again it will hide them, Note I have done it so that the button in the Ning bar will only show up if there are any edit buttons on the page else it will not be there.
Not sure why Ning did not add an option of a tick box or something for us to decide if we wanted them or not to show but I know they did have a lot of requests for editing on the page like there was in Ning 2.0 but the option would have been nice to be added.
Here are two demo images
So here is the code to use, just go to your Social Site Builder > Custom Code and add it in the END OF PAGE section.
x$('<a class="dashboardBar-icon edits-buttons" href="#/" title="Show Edit Buttons"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="22" height="22" viewBox="0 0 22 22"><path transform="translate(-21 -300)" d="M35.55 312.25l-2.3 2.3 4.07 4.06 2.29-2.3zm-4.8-4.8l-4.07-4.06-2.29 2.3 4.06 4.06zM32 306.2l4.7-4.69a.89.89 0 0 1 1.24 0l3.55 3.54c. 0 1.26l-4.7 4.69 4.7 4.7c. 0 1.24l-3.55 3.55a.89.89 0 0 1-1.25 0l-4.69-4.7-4.7 4.7a.89.89 0 0 1-.62.26h-3.54a.89.89 0 0 1-.89-.89v-3.54c0-.24.1-.46.26-.63l4.7-4.69-4.7-4.7a.89.89 0 0 1 0-1.25l3.55-3.54a.89.89 0 0 1 1.25 0zm4.13-1.63l2.3 2.3 1.18-1.19-2.3-2.3zm-1.25 1.26l-10.86 10.85v2.3h2.3l10.85-10.86z"></path></svg><span class="dashboardBar_title">Page Edit Buttons</span></a>').insertAfter('.dashboardBar-innerIcons a:last').hide();
x$('.edits-buttons .dashboardBar_title').css('margin-left','5px');
x$('body.hasEditButtons .edits-buttons').show();
Are we talking about the new "edited box" (a tiny box with a pencil plus a tiny photo of the editor) that appears on a comment if a moderator edits a comment ?
I have been away from the NING world for a few years.
I used to correct typos and improve the formatting of the comments and now this "edited sign" appears.
Is there a way to disactivate the appearance of these boxes ?
Fabio Colasanti (Brussels, Belgium)