Hi There,
I wnat to Give a award for the first of the Ranking system. Where canI see who got more points?
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You just have to add the achievements feature to any page of the network under the widget add content area to make it visible.
hi there,
I Only have leaderboard And it do not show the poitns earned. Have a look.
that is why this is not going to be a good system for you. What you should have done was connect it to adding music or pictures to your site. This will give them points and automatically give them the award. Right now I think you have to search user by user in your management window. Frankly, I dont know how your going to do it. You might be in a mess as I was trying to get a way to filter leaderboard myself, but they have not given us this feature.
Good Luck
Hi there!
If you wish to display point earned in the leaderboard, you can use the following script, it should be placed in the custom code section -> End of page field.
x$('.section-leaderboard .matrix-itemFixed a').each( function(){
var elm = x$(this);
var link ="//"+ window.location.host + elm.attr('href');
x$.get(link, function(data){
var points = x$(data).find('.mrs-achievementAllPoins span').text().replace(/[^0-9]+/, '');
elm.parent().append('<p style="text-align:center; padding-top:10px; font-size:9pt;">Pontos '+points+'</p>');
Hope it helps.
Best regards,
Ning team.
Glad you liked it :-)
Hi there,
It's working but do not show In order of who has more points. This is showing mixed. So I still do not know who has the most points.
How to show it as they can start a race to bet in the first place?
Hi there!
I have checked the setting of the leaderboards you have, you are displaying the members there based on the number of the achievements they have earned. Just proceed to the settings of that module and change the settings so the members would be displayed based on the number of points they have earned.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Ning team.