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Scary question to ask...but I have thought about this a good few times. Is my network backed up regularly by ning in the event of a crash? Just curious, if so or if not how can I back it up...does anyone know? Thank you!

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  • NC for Hire

    Yes, your network is backed up.  You can also use the Ning archiver to keep a copy of your network features like discussions, videos, photos, blog posts and members by using the Ning archiver.

    Another way you can keep a backup of your live styles and scripts is to open up your Test Network and Copy Live to the Test Network.  This will keep a backup of your CSS and javascript files as well as anything else you've added custom...

    Hope this helps

  • Am I correct in thinking that on Ning 3.0 there is neither a network Archiver tool nor the option for a free test network...?  On 3.0, networks are entirely dependent upon Ning to keep backups of sites. 

    Plus, the lack of an Archive/Backup tool makes it very difficult to migrate our content to another platform if we wish to leave Ning.  On Ning, site owners don't have access to the server where our content is kept.

  • Hi there!

    Nice question. Yes, our admins making back ups regularly and if something serious has happened to your network like the crash you have described you can just contact us and we would ask admins to back up your network. However, please note there could be cases when w wouldn't have the back up for the exact date you have requested as it could be a little earlier or later, also we don't have backups for February of this year (someone has asked about it before so I have decided to mention it here as well). Also please note that back up of the content could take a couple of days basically it depends on the speed of communication between us.

    Hope this answers your question, so in case of crash don't hesitate to contact us any convenient way. But I would recommend sending email, livechat or call. Basically, because our support representatives are available 24/7, so the issue definitely would be resolved faster.

    Best wishes,

    Ning Team.

    • Just wondering if you could give us an update on this?  How have things changed since 2017 when it comes to Ning's back-up policy and what we should do if something happened to our network?


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