How to change the default header link/url on your Ning Network:
Note: These instructions only work if you upload your header image/logo as the Network Logo.
If you have uploaded a header image via My Network/Settings/Appearance/All Options/Network Logo, and you want the header link to be something different than the default, which is your Ning Network home page - - follow these instructions:
- Add the code below to your Custom Code Box, via My Network/Tools/Custom Code.
- Change the yahoo link to your link of choice.
- Click on SAVE.
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof(x$) != 'undefined') {
var href_src = "";
x$("#application_name_header_link").attr("href", href_src);
I appreciate this. However, nothing is working.
We had a developer alter the css and to remove the network name.
here's our site.
any ideas. I really appreciate your help.
The same code should work.
I really appreciate this code... it works, except I would like to open this link in a different browser window. I tried using target="_blank" in the code and I am not able to find the right way for this to work. I am using the Header module differently and would like this to click through and still have my network open.
Any suggestions on this?
Thank you for your help and support, Marty Stratton
try adding another .attr("target", "_blank") after .attr("href", href_src)