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NC for Hire

I just added this tutorial to my site - - figured it was needed here, too.

How To Customize / Add Text to Sign Up Page and Example:

NOTE: These instructions are for PUBLIC Networks.

  1. Go to Manage/Language Editor, and select your language.
  2. Be sure to give the page time to completely load, to ensure you select the correct language.
  3. MEMBERSHIP APPROVAL NETWORK: If your Network has been set to "Approve Members", search on this exact string: "Apply for membership now. If you're already a member, <a %s>sign in</a>." without the quotes.
  4. NO MEMBERSHIP APPROVAL NETWORK: If your Network has NOT been set to "Approve Members", search on this exact string: "Already a member? <a %s>Click here to sign in</a>." without the quotes.
  5. The Ning Directory example uses #3 - Membership Approval Sign Up Page.
  6. You will see a box in the right column that contains the search string you entered. This is where you want to add your custom content.
  7. Add your custom text. Be sure to keep the "Apply for membership now. If you're already a member, <a %s>sign in</a>.", or the "Already a member? <a %s>Click here to sign in</a>." syntax, without the quotes. The safest bet: add your custom text below the special line.
  8. Click on Save.

  • Test this on a test site first. Be sure to access your Sign Up page on the test site, to see your results.
  • See attached text/HTML file. It's fairly extreme, but will give you the exact text/HTML it took, to create the Sign Up page on the Ning Directory. You'll notice, I alter the "Apply for membership now. If you're already a member, <a %s>sign in</a>." line.
  • Bottom line: you can add simple text with HTML attributes, via this Language Editor box. Be sure to keep the original line of code.

I keep my HTML in a file on my computer, tweak and get it ready, then I add to the language

Good Luck,

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  • Thanks.
    This was really helpful.
  • Jen, you are a gem!

    I’m positive Ning and NCs are very proud to have you around.

    May I please… just a suggestion.

    1. How about compiling all your tips, tricks, codes, etc. relevant to the current
    Ning platform and putting them together.
    2. And publish them as an e-book or any other suitable format.
    3. And make it available to NCs for a price.

    This will be beneficial for NCs and they don’t have to spend their valuable time
    searching Ning, reading, analyzing, picking and choosing the valuable information
    that you have already published in the past. It will save their time and energy.

    You could call it “Gems From Jen”.

    I’m sure there will be no objection or resistance on Ning’s part, for it will benefit the NCs.

    Also, I have no clue and please forgive me for making this statement…
    Are you independently wealthy?
    Sometimes I feel like you have inherited a very “heavy duty” trust or
    you have taken an oath of poverty. :)
    • NC for Hire
      Gonna reply via pm.
    • NC for Hire
      Just don't try to open her up to see if you can get more golden eggs. And please, any more comments from you and she'll have trouble putting her hat on.
  • Thanks Jen !
    Just one small query, how did you increase the width of the sign in box?
    • NC for Hire
      This isn't perfect, but what I use on the NingDir SignIn/SignUp pages. At least it'll give you a starting point.

      /* Make the SignIn/SignUp Box Wider */
      #xg.account {width:715px; margin-left:-355px;}
      #xg.account #xg_body {width:730px;}
      #xg.account .xg_module {width:703px;}
      /* End SignUp Box Width */
      • Thanks, I will use it and let you know.. Though Your hacks have never missed any target (whether the footer thing or the below navigation bar adsense... ) I second the thought of an e-book ; )
        • NC for Hire
          I decided I better not discuss the future, publicly. ;-) But, thank you for your kind words.
  • Hi Jen,

    It's my second time I try to do this now, but with no luck at all. First I done the html with your wysiwg editor tool you have on your site and than I tried several ways to put the code in the language editor...i tied for hours.... but nothing happends, than I made sure the html code was the preview its all fine, what is it I do wrong? please help.

    A million thanks!

    • NC for Hire
      Hi Roby,
      Are you sure that you are editing the correct text box in Language Editor?

      If your Network is set for Membership Approval, search on this exact string: "Apply for membership now. If you're already a member, <a %s>sign in</a>." without the quotes.

      If your Network is not set for Membership Approval, search on this exact string: "Already a member? <a %s>Click here to sign in</a>." without the quotes.

      I wonder if you have something in the code that the Language Editor doesn't like?

      I also wonder if there is a Public Network case that I have missed? I can't imagine what, if I did.

      Did you see the notice: this is for public networks?

      Sorry you're having this trouble. I will be away from desk most of today and part of tomorrow. I'll check back, when I can.

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