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     Yesterday we lost a great chance for us. We were invited to a live event with 270 guests, where more than half are my members. We did a presentation of the network on stage, and we listened to everyone's feedback. Face to Face. I lost a Sponsor that said, only could help me out, if I fixe those things. They wont' get involve with something that doesn't work fine, is confuse and I have no power to fix couse, the support does not answer my request to fix. They said Get it right and come back. 

I get a Question to Ning. How can we self a monetization, with the Network passes a very weak image. Why people will pay for lot's of thing that doen't work how it suppost to.

Ning want's to grow but can't do the basic right. Feels like you start thing and leave before you finish.

Ranking system, is not the best as it can be.
Chat is not the best it can be.
Add photos is confuse ( Jesus Crist. Put the button in the write place. as everyone ask, for years. Just do it. Stop give excuses. 
Layouts is not great.
Some picutres chance collor when It update.
You have a very weak Like system. ( It's necessary at least 5 options as every network has. )
The like button needs to be under the photo or vídeo. Or any content that is creat.
The cover size on profiles, does not fit anything. The is no Photo that looks good on that dimensions.
The Photo profile goes over the cover photo on mobiles. 
Blog needs to feel nicer. Must get involve, with text and images.

The position of the add photos button is a problem and needs to be corrected immediately. It's not a discoverable thing. There's no way to ignore this anymore.

Photos limit can not be resolved with moderation approval. As you always say. This would only cause even more frustrations, where the member would not have the photo published immediately.

The chat does not make sign that a message has arrived. How can members respond to someone? Must be as face. 

The Ranking system is a joke. It does not show a general raking, and it can be cheated. For no limited. The member that has the more points, did the register published 128 photos at a time and never came back on the network. If I can limited the upload photos, she would come back 12 days back to get those points.  Ranking system is a very power tool. But no like that. Not like that. What can I give for the first. Give a primium to make fool of me?

Some photos change color when is uploaded.

No one finds the links on the mobile.

80% of them, found the site with a weird layout. I also talk to my members by whatsapp and emails. And they say please make it nicer. I can't find anything nicer.
Everyone wants to gives Likes the photos, or any content, showing how they feels about the content, as on any social network. There is only one Like option, and it is not locate under the photo as in all sites of the world. As a result, some people did not even know they could like it.

I realy wnats to make something great. But feels as I have a really bad enemy.

I hope these things are taken seriously.

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  •  Check out my site if you like how the layout is and the like and add buttons I may can share so codes with u

    This Is Bully
    Bully Breed Videos And Images Social Network! Make friends, comment and like photos and tons more.#1 American Bully Social Network
  • Hi there!

    I'm sorry that you have lost the sponsor, however, all your suggestions have been passed to the management and when there would be any piece of information regarding them I will definitely let you know. 

    Best wishes,

    Ning Team.

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