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is anybody else having problems making changes to the landing page ? 

I make changes one at a time, i save and close after each change, but still the changes are not saved and the error message to "dismiss" or "restart ning" is shown.

I've been on to my internet provider, and they have checked settings and speed and everything and all is good. They say that I should test a different ethernet cable, and also a different socket in my modem.

But maybe the problem is on the Ning side???

Has anyone else been having these problems ?



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  • Hello,

    We do apologize for all the inconveniences you faced with. Unfortunately, the landing page builder not allways work perfectly.

    We received the notifications of that and our Technical Team is alredy working on some improvements. But the base way to use it at the moment is to make not all the changes at once and save them one by one. Also, you may need to clean up cache&cookies in your browser more often. 

    Best regards,

    The Ning Team

  • Hi marie b,

    I had the same problem and the only way mine worked was to open the landing page from the following exact steps below:

    It never worked in microsoft edge browser so I had to go to a firefox browser.

    Starting from "Social site manager" and the landing page you want to edit, click "view" button from "Social site manger" and this opens on the landing page.

    Once on the actual Landing page Click the "edit layout and content" This normally says "To have a better experience in Ning Builder we recommend using Google Chrome 56+ or Safari 10+. You may continue using our builder but some features will not be available"

    I then click "Continue anyway"

    Once you finish your edits on the landing page hit "save & close".

    This action returns you back into "Social site manager" and the landing page you have edited.

    Hit save on the "Social site manager" page too, then click "view" to go to the finished landing page to check your edits.

    Best Regards,

    Sir Gissa



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