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I am trying to re-add Activity Feed to my network but I am mot able to do so, after following all the prompts. Can anyone tell me how to get it back on my network? Is it still even available?



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  • GO to Social builder add content and select activity feed if that doesn't work perhaps it maybe due to ning re doing the activity feed 

  • Thank you but I don't see "Social Builder". I'm on the older platform still.


    Any thoughts?

  • This is what I'm seeing when trying to add Latest Activity... it's all grayed out. When I click the "Click Here..." text link, I am taken back to "Features Layout" page and LAtest Activity is not an option to addto layout.



  • Do you have a Ning 2 or Ning 3 site?

    Often times, loading the features layout page, or the site pages builder page, respectively, in different browsers fixes issues like this if it is a technical bug.

    Otherwise, follow the steps I've outlined below to add it back.

    On Ning 2.0, you need to:

    1. Sign in to your dashboard.

    2. Click on features layout.

    3. Drag the activity feed module to where  ever on the page you wish it to go. note, if you drag it under the username field, it will show up on all pages of your site. If you drag it some distance away from the username field, it will show up on that side of the home page only.

    4. click save changes.

    5. Reload the page.

    Troubleshooting: Try reloading the page until the module is able to be draggable if it doesn't appear right away in the available modules list which always appears to the left of the available columns.

    For Ning 3.0, you need to:

    1. Sign in to your dashboard.

    2. Click on Social site Builder.

    3. select the page from the navigation on the left you wish to edit. for best results, you'll need to drag and drop from a computer, not a mobile phone.

    4. On the right, you should see a button prompting you to add content. Click on it.

    5. by default, you are shown HTML box by default. Scroll up until you see activity feed.

    6. Select it by clicking on it. Enter an optional title for the module. Select your display options, such as everything or featured content and number of posts to show. then click on save.

    7. You aren't done yet. Drag the item to where you want it to go based on the page layout you've selected. Scroll up until you see another save changes button below the page options area itself. Click on it, to save the activity module to the page.

    That's it. Repeat the entire process for any other pages you wish the activity feed module to be listed on. Or, any other module for that matter.

    If you are on the plan pricing structure, you will notice some features are locked. I would advise contacting Ning support directly if you are unable to add activity feed module to your network if this is the case.


    If you are on Ning 2.0, to edit the display options of the module you wish to alter, you need to do so on the main page of your site.

    the only other thing I could suggest to you, is ensure that any custom CSS or code on your network isn't blocking the activity feed module from appearing on your site.

    Hope this helps!

  • I decided to try on a different browser. It wasn't showing up on Chrome but was right there on Firefox. I didn't know a cross browser issue is that severe on the Ning platform. I may have to rethink keeping the network on Ning or restarting elsewhere.


    Thank you for your time and advice.

    • Hi there!

      I just checked your network and noticed "select a plan" message on the dashboard - I removed it for you. 

      Regarding the activity feed - the feature was disabled because the outlined activity module was not added to the site and was in the row on the left - 

      Now that it is located on the home page all the options are clickable -

      Could you please specify, what exactly wasn't showing up on Chrome?

      Looking forward to your reply!

      Best regards,

      The NING Team

      • I believe a few people have in the past mentioned this problem happening. Where some portions of the site fail to render propperly in some browsers when viewing the features layout page on Ning 2.0. The closest solution being, just reload the page. As some parts of it, where the call back is used to retrieve available features to drag, just times out on page load. Subsequently making draggable features not work until the page is reloaded.

        • Hello!

          Thank you for specifying! Sometimes the features layout page does not respond because of the issues with Javascript. You are right - the only one solution is to hard refresh (Ctrl and F5) until it reloads properly. 

          Best regards,

          The NING Team

          • Thank you for the help.

    • Here's hoping the best for you either way! If you leave or stay.

      glad my suggestion worked for you.

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