I was wonbering if it is poosible to remove member counts on the group page so that the number of members do not show up when you click on groups
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Yes it is possible
In the groups list page you can remove the member count by adding this to your design studio css
.groupHub-groupInfo{ display:none }
And if you want the member count removed from the main page of the group you can do so with this, again add it to your design studio.
.aboutGroupSection .buttonGroup .pull-left{ display:none }
John :-)
I have added them to theme css and global css in the design studio and it does not work. I am new to this so maybe I am missing something
Did you copy and paste or type them in yourself ? If your groups list is public pop in your website address and I can take a look. Other than that I will send a friend request for another option.
If you accept my friend request I can email as cannot without being added as a friend.
Thanks Art, just sent you an email :-)