Well finally I have finished the code for sharing the Events Month Wrap, this will enable you to seperate each month with a month heading and now also be able to style each month if you so wish. For instance you may want to add different backgrounds for each or just for a specific month like Christmas or maybe you may want a specific background for events in a category. I won't go into to much detail about how to do it all but I have added some demos for you to see and the code I used for them so you can then see how I targeted the month.
Each month is wrapped in it's own id to make it easy to target them and the content within them. If you look at the custom code you will see the list of id's at the bottom and they look like this #JanWrap #FebWrap etc.
Here are the demo pages, the first is a standard event list page with the change to one of the months by giving it a different background and styling than the others below it.
Here is my other styled events page with that background as well
Ok first we need to add our main custom code, this code goes in your SITE&PAGES CUSTOM CODE END OF PAGE SECTION
//Add the classes to the months
//Version(7.1) 22-02-17 John Bizley
//Add A Class To The Start Month In eventPage-detail in eventlistpage
var StartMonth = x$('.eventPage-details .span10 ul:nth-child(1) > li:nth-child(2) > a:nth-child(1)').addClass('startMonth');
var $January = x$('.eventListPage .startMonth:contains(Jan)').closest('article.entry').addClass('january').wrapAll('<div id="JanWrap" class="calendarGrid"></div>');
var $February = x$('.eventListPage .startMonth:contains(Feb)').closest('article.entry').addClass('february').wrapAll('<div id="FebWrap" class="calendarGrid"></div>');
var $March = x$('.eventListPage .startMonth:contains(Mar)').closest('article.entry').addClass('march').wrapAll('<div id="MarWrap" class="calendarGrid"></div>');
var $April = x$('.eventListPage .startMonth:contains(Apr)').closest('article.entry').addClass('april').wrapAll('<div id="AprWrap" class="calendarGrid"></div>');
var $May = x$('.eventListPage .startMonth:contains(May)').closest('article.entry').addClass('may').wrapAll('<div id="MayWrap" class="calendarGrid"></div>');
var $June = x$('.eventListPage .startMonth:contains(Jun)').closest('article.entry').addClass('june').wrapAll('<div id="JunWrap" class="calendarGrid"></div>');
var $July = x$('.eventListPage .startMonth:contains(Jul)').closest('article.entry').addClass('july').wrapAll('<div id="JulWrap" class="calendarGrid"></div>');
var $August = x$('.eventListPage .startMonth:contains(Aug)').closest('article.entry').addClass('august').wrapAll('<div id="AugWrap" class="calendarGrid"></div>');
var $September = x$('.eventListPage .startMonth:contains(Sep)').closest('article.entry').addClass('september').wrapAll('<div id="SeptWrap" class="calendarGrid"></div>');
var $October = x$('.eventListPage .startMonth:contains(Oct)').closest('article.entry').addClass('october').wrapAll('<div id="OctWrap" class="calendarGrid"></div>');
var $November = x$('.eventListPage .startMonth:contains(Nov)').closest('article.entry').addClass('november').wrapAll('<div id="NovWrap" class="calendarGrid"></div>');
var $December = x$('.eventListPage .startMonth:contains(Dec)').closest('article.entry').addClass('december').wrapAll('<div id="DecWrap" class="calendarGrid"></div>');
var cgTitle = x$('.calendarGrid').prepend('<div class="calendarGrid-Title"></div>');
var cgTitleName = x$('.calendarGrid-Title').append('<h3 class="monthHeader-name">Month</h3>');
x$('#JanWrap h3.monthHeader-name').html("January");
x$('#FebWrap h3.monthHeader-name').html("February");
x$('#MarWrap h3.monthHeader-name').html("March");
x$('#AprWrap h3.monthHeader-name').html("April");
x$('#MayWrap h3.monthHeader-name').html("May");
x$('#JunWrap h3.monthHeader-name').html("June");
x$('#JulWrap h3.monthHeader-name').html("July");
x$('#AugWrap h3.monthHeader-name').html("August");
x$('#SepWrap h3.monthHeader-name').html("September");
x$('#OctWrap h3.monthHeader-name').html("October");
x$('#Noverap h3.monthHeader-name').html("November");
x$('#DecWrap h3.monthHeader-name').html("December");
Next we need to add some css to style the month headings, you can alter the css as you need for colours etc.
TIP: The mesh background I added was one of nings backgound images and have used their url to point to the image so you can just copy this whole code without needing to change the url for the image. Of coursr you can use your own then replace the url for the image you are going to use.
/***** START EVENT LIST CSS *************************************************************/
/* NEW CALENDAR GRID This is the grid which will surround each of the months */
.calendarGrid{ border:solid 1px lightgray; border-radius:6px;padding:4px; margin-bottom:20px}
.calendarGrid-Title{ width:100%; float:left;clear:both;margin-bottom:20px }
background-image: url("https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/8667566?profile=original-mesh-10-blk.png");
background-position: center center;
background-size: initial;
background-repeat: repeat;
.monthHeader-name{ font-weight:bold;display:block;padding:10px 20px; color:white;background-color:royalblue;float:left; border-radius:6px 6px 0px 0px }
/***** EVENTS STANDARD ****/
/* Margin between each post */
/** Margin between each of the posts plus some padding**/
.eventListPage .entry{ margin-bottom:15px; padding:10px }
.section-eventBundle .entry { margin-bottom: 15px; }
/*OPTIONAL Links In The Header Module ByLine For Inviting Members when creating an event */
.module-byline > a{ color:white; font-size:16px }
.module-byline > a:hover{ color:antiquewhite; text-decoration:none }
/*OPTIONAL Make a button for the inivite members links*/
.module-byline{ margin-top:10px }
.module-byline > a{ background-color:royalblue; padding:3px 6px; border-radius:4px }
.module-byline > a:hover{ background-color:darkblue }
/* Add a border around each entry to make give them more seperation */
.eventListPage .span13 { border:solid 1px lightgray }
/*********** END EVENT LIST CSS **********************************************************/
That's it for adding the code, below is how I changed a particular months background and a little more styling.
Optional How To Styling For Month by Month
Again for the background image I used Nings one of Nings background images, I just added a background to my site first via the design studio then inspected the code of the body which is where the background image is added then copied the url for the image and used this in the code. Then I just removed the background image from my site. Now the image loads from Ning and not my file manager.
Adding a background to a month is shown below and if you notice the #FebWrap is used to style February. When adding an image you may find the other event details background is gone, this is because they are justing using the pages background colour so we can just bring them back by adjusting the colour of the entry and you can do that like this #FebWrap.entry{ background-color: white } or whatever colour you want.
/*Adding a background to a wrap*/
#FebWrap{background-image: url("https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/8745125?profile=original~-photoshop-patterns_3.jpg");}
/* Style the left part which holds the event date and day*/
#FebWrap .span3 {
color: white;
text-shadow: 0px 1px 1px black;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: #0006;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
padding-left: 5px;
border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px;
/*Style the actual date and day parts*/
#FebWrap .span3 .eventListPage-startDate,#FebWrap .span3 .eventListPage-startDayOfWeek{
background: darkgray;
padding: 4px;
border: solid 1px black;
text-align: center;
#FebWrap .span3 .eventListPage-startDate{ border-radius:6px 0px 0px 0px }
#FebWrap .span3 .eventListPage-startDayOfWeek{border-radius:0px 0px 0px 6px;margin-top:2px;}
/*Style just the event details section not the whole entry*/
#FebWrap .eventPage-details{ background-color:white; border-radius:0px 6px 6px 6px }
That's it. Enjoy
John :-)
I have also added the code here in a blog to make it easier to copy or read
looks like all 3 of those URLs are going to 404 pages...just fyi
Yep these are from my older tips but can't edit them to remove the urls, will have to go through them and re-post if since posting them any of the code has changed.
Bizz :-)
was able to kind of dig it up in wayback machine http://web.archive.org/web/2018*/http://bizzssite.ning.com/blog/eve...