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If you would like to be able to try out this feature on my site and be able to see some of the other tips as I add them, as I tend to add the tips to my site then post them on creators, I will be opening my site for a short period until my main site is ready to join.

Note: my site is by invite only so if you would like an invite link sent to you then please email me and I will return it with the invite link for you in due course. ( only available for members of Creators )

As you know I have been building a way for members to have different Themes for thier profiles, I wanted to add a series of the Thrones Themes so thought it would be a good idea as wanted to see how hard it would be for other creators to add this tip. I need to make a few more changes to the procedures to try and make it a bit more easier to add in a theme if you made one yourself. As it stands it's pretty easy for themes I provide as they will just go straight in with only a little code and additions to the questions. I hope to have something released in the very near future, I was hoping for a first release this week but will see how long it takes to update the changes first.

Hope you like what you are seeing so far

Bizz :-)

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  • Looks very nice Mr. bizz. :-)

    • Thanks George, nice to see you about on the forum :-)

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    • Thanks Tavolo. The idea is is that yes you can add your own Themes you make. I am splitting the code so that the main codes needed in one file and the Themes codes in another, then you just make up your own themes as you want and add them to the list for members to choose from. Also can add ones I or someone else create also. Each theme is just made from css using the existing structure of your Ning 3.0. Some extra code for custom themes like my Thrones Theme would use a little extra code just for that Theme as certain things need to be positioned or added that other themes will not use.

      So the idea is, I will provide the code needed to for the main setup and some css for some of the basic themes I have setup so far, as the basic themes use colours and backgrounds that already exist on your Ning 3.0. The Thrones theme is a little different as background and images will need to be added into the file manager of the site so this would be classed as a custom theme. As time goes on I will create more basic themes that can easily be added or you yourself could create them.

      It's why it's taking a while for me to release the code etc and how to do it as need to make sure it is easy for adding to your site and also to add new themes in that you create. Testing also needs to be done on each theme created as it needs to work with any of the default themes that Ning provide so that the colours you setup etc work with them.

      For instance if you do not set a colour for let's say the text in the buttons and a you have created let's say a blue theme and the set the colour of the buttons to white but not changed the text colour of the button. The main site it's being added too the creator of that site may have chosen a Ning theme where the text on the buttons is white so that would mean the text would not show up in the theme you have created.


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