I set up a test user for the first time in years. I had completely forgotten about the horrible blue box it gives new users on their first visit.
Can I remove or replace it? Removal is fine. I don't need anything in its place.
I called Ning and they said I'm stuck with it on Ning 2 but there's gotta be a workaround!
Can I CSS it into oblivion? I know I can change the text to the welcome message at left thru the text editor, but I really just want the darn thing gone.
Your help is appreciated!
your answer can be found here
Thanks! Do you know what it's called? I searched around and couldn't find it. Some tips require joining the site though. I was a member many years ago and it was very helpful, and Jen was great.
the discussion is public, when I'm at the computer I look for it for you
Thank you!
Steve C
here's the discussionThank you!
you are welcome
Jen had CSS on how to remove the box completely, which is what I most wanted to do!
You REALLY helped me. It's gone now. I can't thank you enough.
Steve C
I want to test a code that permanently delete the box on my site, let's see if I can help you, good day Alex