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NING is broken?

I've run networks based on this platform in the past and never have I seen it in such dissarray as I do today. 

Having gone to great lengths and investing time into the creation of a new network I've now come to the conclusion that NING is a shadow of its former self. 

Back in circa 2010 I ran a vibrant and very well received network for a specific genre of SCUBA Diving enthusiasts. I sold that and moved on to other aspects of life. 

I am now looking to create a specific network for Surf and Ocean Photographers. I spent the past eight days getting the framework for the site as I wanted. I populated it with imagery, made all of the initial Interest Groups and even went as far as getting ChatGPT to write all of the overview and welcome textx for each of the features and groups. I was looking great. 

My issue happened when I then, stupidly, logged out to create a secondary tester account. I had created Welcome eMails and messages etc. 

Having signed up for a new account I was told I would have to have that email verified, even though this feature was not set in my network settings at this time. No verification email was forthcoming meaning this tester account (new members) will not be able to get verified or start their interaction with the network. 

I then found out that when trying to log back in as the network creator the system wouldn't recognize my Network Creator profile email and PW combo. 

I then went to NING for Chat support and was completely ignored. Zero response. 

I still have six days before I need to start paying for this network and if this continues in this way it will sadly be my last interaction with NING, a system and platform I really want to believe in. 


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  • I am not a techie, I don't understand the first thing about it, but have a HUGE problem with Ning Tech Non Support. 
    I am now 9 days into a discourse and my website has been off line for a day and a half because somebody in tech doesn't know what they are doing and just want to pass the respobnsibility on to someone else. 
    Incidentally I have had my Nong 2.0 since Jan 2009, have 4500+ members, (will not consider upgrading to Nong 3.0 - all I see is people having problems with the changeover) and they want more than double the price. I have built tons of support pages for members on how to do things on the network.

    The platform itself is fine, the support is the WORST EVER. 
    It seems that no one has taught the tech team about efficiency, customer service or how to talk to customers in non tech language so that they actually understand. 
    I couldn't be any more annoyed with Ning tech team right now.  

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