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September 18

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Network creator

Howard Sands replied to Mark Thorpe's discussion
NING is broken?
"I am not a techie, I don't understand the first thing about it, but have a HUGE problem with Ning Tech Non Support. I am now 9 days into a discourse and my website has been off line for a day and a half because somebody in tech doesn't know what…"
Nov 27, 2024
Howard Sands replied to Donna MacShoe's discussion
Ning Support phone number for my 20 yr old site
"I hope this helps
1-855-233-6436 (USA/Canada Toll Free)
0-808-189-2035 (UK Toll Free)
NING Interactive, Inc (Corporate Headquarters):2850 HORIZON RIDGE PKWY, Suite 200

After I asked ning…"
Nov 27, 2024
Howard Sands replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
Why should I migrate?
"I haven't seen anything yet from ning 3.0 that entices me. Have been on Ning 2.0 over 10 years. Nothing about Ning service is service. Getting anything done at Ning is like mating elephants. Is done at high levels (way too high to actually tell me…"
Sep 24, 2019
Howard Sands replied to Anastasia_Ning_Support's discussion
Why should I migrate?
"i have been on Ning 2.0 for over 10 years, we have over 3400 members as a non profit in Africa, it is a bit clunky and I regularly have problems with low end phone users trying to join, but not interested in paying more for a sleeker version that's…"
Sep 24, 2019

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  • I raised a support ticket for a technical issue on 10 July 2017, apart from a response each time I question about what is happening that says, 'we've passed it on for technical people to look at'  There has been no other response to my ticket. 

    I would like to ask a question of NING executives. 

    Please explain, why you do not see it as important to resolve customer complaint issues, why you leave issues unresolved for weeks at a time without even so much as a communication to say - "we are working on it" or something to encourage the complainant that the issue is being taken seriously. 
    The level of customer service when a technical issue is raised with Ning is worse than appalling. 
    Customer service. think about it. It just might save the company from disaster - but only if applied genuinley and consistently.

  • 3214582?profile=original

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