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Hello Ning Friends,


I recently upgrade my Ning to 3.0 and I'm disappointed to learn that the search functionality does not work. It's been about a month since my upgrade and I have contacted Support on a regular basis asking for a status report. All I am told is that engineers are working on this and I'll get an email when there is progress. I am not confident there will be progress in all honesty. Is anyone else running into this issue? It's critical for my members to be able to search our content.

I've also been frustrated by trying to enable sign in/ sign up with LinkedIn and Twitter. The instructions provided are outdated or incomplete. A help desk person passed on a suggestion today for the LinkedIn app, and it worked (yay!), but there is nothing in the documentation when enabling this feature about this missing step. I understand from support that documentation is being revised, but it's very frustrating to be told previously that the problem is on my end.  

Just wondering if I am alone with these issues...not sure if I should have upgraded! 



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      • I learned their location as well Lucy and I then realized as frustrated as I am, it's nothing compared to what so many are going through in Ukraine.  NING did tell me there are other sites that are having the same search issue. 



  • Just wanted to update this post and let everyone know that the search functionality is now indeed working. It started functioning about a month ago, and I'm sorry I haven't posted about this until now. Thank you, Ning team! I really appreciate it and I hope you all are staying safe. 

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