Hi all
This tip is kind of similar to Jen's tip on inserting messages to all members on their profile page.
However, what i wanted to do here was target specific member types, in this case Legal Recruiters, with a 'call-to-action' that applied only to them (I did search but couldn't find anything similar - apologies if it's out there already)
I wanted an icon prompting them to post jobs inserted on profile pages of members that answered my profile question "Type of Member" with the answer "Legal Recruiter".
This code does just that, and goes in your custom code box:
<script type="text/javascript">
x$(document).ready(function() {
if (x$('.module_about_user dl dd:contains("Legal Recruiter")').length > 0) {
x$('.module_user_thumbnail').after('<div style="width:173px;background:transparent;padding-left:6px;"><a target="_blank" href="http://yourURL.com"><img class="align-full" src="http://yourURL.com/image.png" /></a></div>');
What we're doing here is looking for specific content with the Profile Information module (module_about_user dl dd) on each member's profile page. The highlighted blue designates this, in this example Legal Recruiter.
Once we've determined this we're inserting something after the profile avatar picture (.module_user_thumbnail) in this instance some html that styles a div, inserts a picture (http://yourURL.com/image.png) that links to a specific url (http://yourURL.com).
You can see it in action here. And to make sure it works and not displaying elsewhere, not in action here.
This script could be adapted for all sorts of things, including additional categories for members that already have the one category assigned to them using the recently launched Ning category badges.
Hope this is of use
quick question. SP
If we want to Add same IMage to TWO group then what will be the code here
Comma or Any thing?
pretty much, think this should do it
if (x$('.module_about_user dl dd:contains("Legal Recruiter"), .module_about_user dl dd:contains("Another Option")').length > 0) {
Thanks SP,
i want to change location of this image and want to adjust it below Member Name,City Country.
Code ?
you have a unique style of asking, don't you, imail? :-)
there are about a thousand different variants of what could be done with this code. if you wanted to, you could make the search box pink if a member answered a certain question in a certain way.
what you're asking for is probably something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
x$(document).ready(function() {
if (x$('.module_about_user dl dd:contains("Legal Recruiter")').length > 0) {
x$('.xg_widget_profiles_profile_show dl.last-child dt.fn span ul.member_detail').after('<div style="width:173px;background:transparent;padding-left:6px;"><a target="_blank" href="http://yourURL.com"><img class="align-full" src="http://yourURL.com/image.png" /></a></div>');
I'll let NCs get creative with this by themselves with the variations from now on. Enjoy....
This code you shared would be very interesting to my network if I could change it to verify the quantity of groups a user has joined, do you know if this parameter is possible to be read?
not off the top of my head, sorry
Could you add multiple different codes? Or is it only going to show one at a time?
Wonderful:) I'm going to have to play with this - awesome tip, thank you:)
you're welcome