This is a simple yet potentially lucrative tip to insert Google Adsense or Yahoo/Bing Ads (or anything really) after the first paragraph (defined by <p> tags) in all content in forum or blog posts (including member posts).
Click to enlarge previewHere is the script to insert adverts under the first paragraph in BLOG POSTS. The red script will need to be replaced with your own Google Adsense or Yahoo/Bing ads script.
Put it in your custom code box:
<div id="ad_after_jump" style="display:none;">
<!-- Advert Script START -->
<script id="mNCC" language="javascript"> medianet_width='200'; medianet_height= '200'; medianet_crid='45454545'; </script> <script id="mNSC" src="http://contextual.media.net/nmedianet.js?cid=4545454" language="javascript"></script>
<!-- Advert Code END -->
</div><script type="text/javascript">if (typeof(x$) != 'undefined') { x$('.xg_widget_profiles_blog_show .postbody .xg_user_generated').find('p').eq(0).after('<p style="font-weight:bold;">Continued after the jump ....</p></br><div id="ContentAdverts"></div>'); var inject_SPadverts = document.getElementById('ad_after_jump'); var SPadverts = document.getElementById('ContentAdverts'); SPadverts.innerHTML = inject_SPadverts.innerHTML; }</script>
ADS IN FORUM POSTS - same as above but use this code and change the red script.
<div id="ad_after_jump" style="display:none;">
<!-- Advert Script START -->
<script id="mNCC" language="javascript"> medianet_width='200'; medianet_height= '200'; medianet_crid='54565767'; </script> <script id="mNSC" src="http://contextual.media.net/nmedianet.js?cid=84534343" language="javascript"></script>
<!-- Advert Code END -->
</div><script type="text/javascript">if (typeof(x$) != 'undefined') { x$('.xg_widget_forum_topic_show .description .xg_user_generated').find('p').eq(0).after('<p style="font-weight:bold;">Continued after the jump ....</p></br><div id="ContentAdverts"></div>'); var inject_SPadverts = document.getElementById('ad_after_jump'); var SPadverts = document.getElementById('ContentAdverts'); SPadverts.innerHTML = inject_SPadverts.innerHTML; }</script>
I have tested this pretty thoroughly and only come across a couple of instances where the ads weren't where I expected them to be. 95% of the time they are after the first paragraph, assuming that the html generated in the content has the correct <P>tags.
If your ads are not going to fill the width of the page, for example if they are 200px wide, and you want the following paragraph to wrap around the advert then add this css to your advanced css section:
If you want to remove the 'Continued after the jump wording then delete <p style="font-weight:bold;">Continued after the jump ....</p></br> from the code above.
Play around with it and see how you get along.
This week seems to be getting better. We can say tips week. Another great tip. Keep it up SP.
I am surely going to try this tip. It looks great.
SP your code is awesome. I also was on jensocial that AD can be infront of the text. I was wondering if you know how to do that.
With this you dont get a space between the paragraphs.
Found it on thispage http://jensocial.com/group/ningnetworktips/forum/topics/crazy-desig...
did you add the css that I mention above?
Great. It worked.I salute you boss. Enjoy your day.
Great stuff. Pleased it works.
Hi SP,
I saw this from jen and I was wondering if you could combine it with yours so we have one add after the first paragraph and one at the button?