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Hi all,

I can't go forward with my Ning website since it looks like it has been created in the 2000's.

I want to get it refreshed to today's standards.

The example I have in mind in the forums for Wix (see here)

If you think you would be able to handle this project, please drop me a line with a price estimation at

Thanks !

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  • Poppili You might want to post this over at the Hire a Creator group. 

  • Poppili, you're right about our sites needing to have a fresh modern look.  Need things to both look and function as one would expect these days, and be automatically responsive on all devices.

    It's been a while since I looked, but gotta say Wix is looking mighty tempting these days.  It appears their plugins can add most of what a social site might need, too.    Looks like both Wix and Jamroom have totally fresh modern look skins and features/plugins available. Both are totally up to date in function and reasonable pricing choices (imho).

    I have a small production item that I'd like to sell soon- I might just get off my butt now and snag a basic wix site for $10-14/month, add their free Paypal plugin and start my mail order idea ...thanks for the inspiration!

    Pricing Information, Coupons and Premium Upgrades | WIX
    Upgrade your Wix website and get custom domain names, ecommerce features, traffic analytics and more. Go Premium today!
    • Good luck w/that.  Been there; done that.  Never again

  • Looks relatively straightforward to me.  I have a couple of friends with current Wix sites that do well and look fine, though they've kept them fairly simple because they aren't 'techie' and they have low budgets. With any platform, site results and success can depend partly on the individual involved. Thanks for the link Poppili. Have to say I'm impressed with all the new changes, updates, and additions. Fresh and modern.

  • Just thought I would say that the new Ning Team are going to be updating the themes as mentioned in their 2017 plan which you may want to take a look at, number 4 mentions this "4) Our brand new redesigns are also coming to push Ning to a new era not only functionally, but visually as well:
    - redesign is live now and you can check it out on", also they are going to be adding lot's of new featured which I am looking forward to.

    You don't have to stick with the themes as they are you can make some adjustments to make them how you would like, quite a bit can be done in the design studio and with the help of the tips posted by other creators here you can make your site more 'modern'. I do think Nings platform does have a big edge over other platforms on the way you can make changes to it easily and it's unique way of being able to have multiple features of photo pages, forums etc.

    The new Ning Team are working hard to get the features added, that the old Ning promised but didn't provide, and also trying to fix up the infastructer that the old Ning, sorry Mode, let go to ruin.

    I am just getting my site up together if you want to take a look here:

    Most of it was done in the design studio but a few pages like the Questions page had some css added for it and my Activity feed which is still a work in progress has a bit of custom code for showing the videos and photos in the feed. I will be adding pages for tips soon and opening it to members to join and will post more about that in the near future.

    • your website looks great..

      I guess I'll have a deeper look at the design studio

      do you do design for other websites ?

      • Thanks Poppili, for now I create tips and post here to help others with their sites and can help on parts you want to adjust. Doing full sites, I will in the near future but my time is very limited just now so can't commit to doing full sites. Of course I will help on bits you may get stuck on and once I get my own site complete it will have a tips section within it.

        John :-)

  • Hmmm, interesting Poppili, yours is the site for moms? The concept is perfectly fine, but I would have to agree your site looks outdated / and you should not proceed with it as is.

    If I were you, I might look into Mighty Networks, the new project from Gina Bianchini, one of the original founders of Ning, and to be honest,  this platform has lacked the social intuition of an innovative woman leader since she left - you would probably find a much more supportive environment for your project.


    So, off the top of my head, the design quality will be more contemporary - it is more like a social app for smart phones than a website concept, and the experience is probably more about the interaction of people without having to think too much about the design.

    Ning, on the other hand, is very questionable in terms of immediate readiness and future direction. When I look at your site, or say Bizz's there, I am so sad for the display... that customers who know very little about web design might find themselves satisfied with and be encouraged by others who might do better for you and your projects by offering some tough love and criticism.

    I like that you show some attention to this with your own self-criticism and appeal for help, so I hope my comment here was helpful.

    Mighty Networks: Create a new social network for your deep interests
    Mighty Networks is a new social network for deep interests. Download the app to create your own Mighty Network for free today.
    • Hi Anthony

      I have looked into Mighty Bell and Now Mighty Networks of which I created test sites on them, have you actually tried them yourself ?

      They are very limited in what you can do to have a unique site as they all look the same except for the bare minimum which you can do to change colours or some images.

      The Navigation is not that inutitive to use and you can easily get lost as all the pages are quite plain and look very much the same.

      There are no options to have different features except what is given.

      No blogs, forums or photos pages. Yes you can add 'posts' and these can include images. They do have a type of groups and events though.

      Adding videos can only be done by a link and not embed or upload and when they are pressed to play the video opens in a page which still shows scroll bars arond the video. If on mobile the videos do not even open in the app but open in YouTube to play which of course then opens another app on your device.

      Pages do not update until you refresh the page including activity, so you add a post and it looks like it did not post so you try again, then refresh the page and they show up.

      Yes the search and it's algorithm's work a treat for filtering information unique to each of it's users.

      There is more but I won't go on. Yes it's a great little app but having a unique site to fit around your own idea just doesn't work unless you have a deep pocket to pay for your own app design by them.

      Yes I understand it's designed mainly as an app for a phone and as a concept just to interact and share information it works but to have a more in depth complete site for phone and web it doesn't quite work just yet. There are others which work a treat like JomSocial but these type of sites also require you to have a provider and then you look after the site on the servers.

      • Good points John, I have tried out Mightybell in the past, not the new upgraded app version, but paying attention and - yes, my impression was essentially the same. The leadership, some of the ideas in play, and the predominant user-base are well suited to a regional moms type socio-geographic/ subject matter... Ning should also be sufficient for such purposes.

        There's also a question as to what your needs and abilities are. So, looking at a network of Parisian moms grouped by sub-locations, think the needs adequately provided for. Also, looking at the design of the current site, it does not look all that great despite all the available features and supposed design control - thus the more cookie cutter approach might be beneficial for the user to put forward at least a professional viable impression.

        It's been my experience that people get lost on all the design/features part of Ning - it can be great, especially for those who are advanced, or those who have  some manner of professional design sense, but it can also be just as bad for people to put out something that flat out looks like garbage.

        It's sort of the same value proposition between say WIx and Squarespace...even vs. WordPress... sometimes you do better with less stuff, better supported stuff, etc, depending on your specific needs and capabilities.

        I really like your attention to detail though, and I suppose you must have benefitted from the debates on alternative platforms that went on here for the last couple years.

        If you ask me, it's not so much about the technology, it's about the people who use it. If you are going to use one or the other tool, what really matters is the experience you can facilitate for and with people - so it's easy to test by showing your site to friends, family, strangers, etc, - look over their shoulder or have them tell you their impressions - you may find that most don't care about all the bells and whistles, that their wants/needs are simple, and maybe that the only people who really get excited about all the features are the people like you and I who are paying for the capabilities.

        Good stuff though John, appreciated your thoughts.

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