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There have been a number of discussions here on Creators over the years as to how to verify your Ning network at Alexa. There are instructions at their FAQ page specifically for Ning networks, and I am pleased to announce that it works!

Here are the instructions I've copied from the Alexa FAQ:

Claiming a site hosted on Ning

To claim a site hosted on Ning, you can add the Alexa meta tag containing your verification ID to your home page.

Here’s how:

  1. On  Log into your Alexa account
  2. Go to and enter your site URL
  3. Select the Intro plan if all you want to do is claim your site.
  4. You should use “Option 2: Add your Alexa verification ID to the home page of your site.”
  5. Copy your verification ID.
  6. Leave this window or tab open.
  7. On your Ning site: Log in to Ning and go to your Dashboard page
  8. Click on “Network Details” in the “Settings” section of the sidebar
  9. Add your Verification ID as one of the keywords.
  10. Click the “Save” button.
    (Your verification ID will be in a tag like this on your site:<meta name=”keywords” content=”plants,bikes,cows,A2tUX0U7BAtptAxm2kiTrgqyDJQ” /> )
  11. On Go back to Alexa and press the “Verify my ID” button

Note:  To Certify your Ning-hosted site, use the Tools->Custom Code option to add the certify code to the pages of your site.

Where you see "keyword, keyword2", you should switch out with two keywords that describe what your network is about (in my case, I chose "entertainment" and "music", sans the double quotation marks).

You may have to wait a few minutes for it to take, but it will work. I am almost certain this method will not work for private networks.

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  • where do i get the meta tag i only see the code?

    • Dude, that's the code you use.

    • I misread what you wrote here bro, but something is going on here at Creators and I can't delete the other comment. Sorry about that.

      The code you're looking for is in "Option 2", look for the code that looks like the example given in item number 10 above, and you will find the appropriate code.

      • yea i got the code now and its still not claiming it but ok...Thanks

        • It's possible that it may take a while. One other discussion here said it took a couple of days, another discussion said a few minutes. For me it took about two minutes to verify.

  • Thanks for the post!

    Having issues as well. I read the FAQ, it's spot on to what you suggested, but for some reason I get this error message. Perhaps it wil take a few hours? I'll try back later today and hopefully it recognizes the ID. 

    We could not find the verification ID on your homepage. 
    Please add the verification id to the <head></head> section of the HTML of your homepage.

    It's clearly in the page source. So head scratcher at this point.

    • It took a couple of minutes to verify mine, Mark. 

      Not sure if private sites can be verified, nor do I know if yours is private. Other than that, I don't know what to tell you.

      • UPDATE: It looks like it just takes about an hour. All verified!

        Thanks again 

  • Thanks for this

    Works 100%, only took me 5 minutes to claim my site

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