Current status of the Ning Platform is always available on the Ning Status Blog.
Lafayette LA.
October 24
What's your role? Network Creator (NC) or Admin?
Im admin in many ,I had 4 of my own sites till ning went to pay sites, now I only have one I am aways busy doing something for some one or somes site all the time If im not working in real life...and I make free Themes for any one thats ask.All sites im in know I can only visit them when time permits.That is the same for here too.
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Hello to all my friends here in creators ,
Happy Sunday ,I was just wondering how many of
you are still here in ning ? Please let me know and I lost all my site links when my computer crashed , if I am in your site if it still excise please leave me your link so I can add-link to my tablet favorites so I can stop by and apologize for not visiting sooner ,Happy Hippy Hugs to all ...
O well it looks like no one is in nng or no one won' t's to advertise there sites ...
if you change your mind
just leave me a link and I will host you your text linked to your network ....
Tee Bee Dee
World of Rock 2
Dread Locks Forums
We would like to add you to our list
of featured networks ....
Hippy's Themes (Hugs Inn ) / Hippy ......
O by the way the text link hosting by Hippy's Themes is done freely as always Hippy's Themes does not charge for anything shared by Hippy's Themes and never will , share your link here and I will make a text link that will bring people directly to your link .... Hugs to all ,Hippy.....
Hello everyone I hope all are well , I dropped by to ask if there is any of you would have a site/blog/or any place you would wish to have as a featured add-link in our featured network sharing hosted by Hippy's Themes network sharing socially for all to enjoy .... yours truly Hippy ... peace hugs to all ....