Here's a little thing I do that helps draw user interaction. I highlight certain features of the site on the main page.
Here's my site:
In the left column, check out the sections titled Don't Be Blue, Did You Know?, and Spread the Word.
In the right column, check out Go Mobile and Did You Know?
I hope this gives you some ideas.
I like your Don't Be Blue idea. I have so many members use the default face pic. I don't know how to ask them to change it as I already did it so many times.
Now I'm thinking about write a javascript to detect if they use the default face pic. I'll put a Don't Be Blue box in their page in the right column. Or pop-up a dialog ask them to do so or they need to click to close it everytime.
BTW, I just put the Go Mobile as a sub tab of the HOME tab.
That's a
What I usually do is check to see if a user becomes visible (for example, if they appear on the leaderboards), and then send them a gentle reminder.
Doesn't always work, but still keeps things relaxed.
Hi Arnold,
Your community site is very good.You have kept it very decent and nice.I would like to ask you what is the way to add that "Twitter Join conversation column" I am not getting any way to do that.
I am talking about this:
Hi, Anurag-
If I'm understanding you correctly, you're asking how to add the Twitter widget to your Ning site? If so, you can build a widget here:
Then just paste the code into a text box. Make sure you're in HTML mode.
I hope that answers your question - if not, let me know.