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NC for Hire

You still can,...if you believe!

Wow, what a week this has been. It's been one big backfire, problem, slowdown, personal stuff too - - one after another. I shared this on JenSocial, and thought I'd share it here, too. Tonight would be an easy night to say "Just @#$% it." But, I'll choose the positive route, and will try to spread a little inspiration to the next fellow, like the young Creator of this Video did for me.


So, if you've had a crazy week, take a few minutes to watch this little video. It's very simple, but incredibly inspiring. Take a look. Hopefully it will help make your week a little better. It really helped me reclaim that "I can do it." attitude. If you don't believe in yourself and your ideas, you can't take action. It's never too late, just believe.

You still can,...if you believe!

Keep your chin up!Jen
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  • NC for Hire

    awww, so nice to know you enjoyed this video. It really does make you stop and think - - never too late really. In fact, I was inspired this evening by Dick Van Dyke, a Comedian from yonder years. ;-) He is 85 years old and still going strong, just finished a #1 seller book!



  • Jen, thank you so much for this video. This is very important to me, so important that it is even difficult to describe. I was looking for something like this and I finally found it! Thanks thanks thanks!
  • NC for Hire

    Ivan, David, Cautious, Sef, and James,

    Glad you enjoyed the video. I thought it was a nice little jewel, with a big impact.



  • NC for Hire

    Ricardo, goodness.

  • Hey Jen,

    Great video! Went to Vimeo to get "old code" and there are more! Recommend that people check them out if they haven't already. Will be using them in school this coming year.



  • Nice video, thanks for sharing.
  • What an inspiring video.  Are you sure you weren't thinking of me when you posted it? :-)  Sometimes, I find myself withdrawing from NING Creators at times... wondering if what I have to say is important.  So many creators are so savvy when it comes to the computer and my understanding is what I would tefer to as minimal.  However, sharing this video reminds me that I too, do much more than I give myself credit for.  When I go to my "little" network... I DO believe!  Indeed Jen, I needed to watch this video more than you know.  Thank YOU Jen.  God's continued blessings my friend.
  • awesome post!
  • no existe ni yo puedo entra pero bien que cobran!!!!!! como se puede borrar



  • Thanks Jen,


    Excellent video

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