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Hi there,

I Watch the video where you talk about the new upcoming the new Ning 4.0 I got a bit confusing. In this new version, it will be a network as it is now?

Member will be able to have their own page and upload their photos? Groups and other features that it has now will be on Ning 4.0?

I can't see in this link anything about members.

My question is. Will Ning stop to be a Social Network to be just a Website?

Thank you all.

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    • Hi,

         Ning is struggling so hard to be just like to others and is putting aside what makes them better than others. which is to be a social network with the possibility of being a normal website.

  •  Hello,

    Do not worry, Ning will continue to be the Social Network. The preview video is more about the builder of the site and its options. But members will still have own pages and will be able to add their own content to the site. You can test it by yourself and it is completely for free at the moment. In fact, we will appreciate your help in testing the new platform and your feedback about it.

    Best regards,

    The Ning Team

    • An essential feature is missing: the forum.

    • Hi Anna,

         I would like to understand if we will get this better templates, and a site builder like that, on our Social Network? 
      or our social network will be left behind? How long my Network will look like a 120 old in this new world? 


      • Hello,

        We support the Ning 3.0 platform and will keep doing this. And we are working on the new platform at the moment. The procedures of support both of them or migration from 3.0 to 4.0 platform will be developed later. We will inform all our network creators about this. 

        Regarding the new themes or changes in your current site. Yes, we will have new themes with the new platform. Also, you can change the site you own at the moment. You can do this by importing your own theme file or using the CSS code. Please, inform us if you need assistance with the CSS code for your network appearance. Our developers can help you with it.

        Best regards,

        The Ning Team

    • Hello 

      after you try the new ning 4 can you go back to ning 3 if you aren’t satisfied?

      • Hello,


        It will be possible to have the networks on different platforms. So you can choose the network you want to keep using.

        Best regards,

        The Ning Team

  • I am a little sceptical of the direction Ning seems to be going. I'm somewhat alarmed that there is no mention on the beta about Activity Stream. For me, the activity stream is what makes Ning unique and is the primary way that my users at least discover content. 

    There's nothing wrong with having a nice pretty page builder but for me Ning should be considering itself more as a CMS like Wordpress then a page builder like Wix. Better ways to categorise content and more powerful moderation and member tools for me are more important than super flexible visual page builders.

    I am excited about having a better API so we can build on top of the new platform. I'm quite happy to build out the functionality I need if we get a genuine API.

    • Hello,

      Thank you for your suggestions and wishes. We passed all the information to our management.

      We hope the mentioned features will be developed for both Ning 3.0 and Ning 4.0 platform.

      Best regards,

      The Ning Team


  • Hopefullly way to export all content in the event of another shutdown Mode Media 2016

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