The main complaint on my network is how difficult is to add photos. And my network is all about photographers show they work. I need the botton on "My page" or a code with the botton. I really bad with codes. Please see the screen print
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The main complaint on my network is how difficult is to add photos. And my network is all about photographers show they work. I need the botton on "My page" or a code with the botton. I really bad with codes. Please see the screen print
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Hi there!
I`ve talked to our developers, and, unfortunately, the button itself won't work on any other page except for the upload page itself, and even if you move it - you won't be able to use it.
Best regards,
The NING Team
Hi Anastasia,
Thanks for try... What Can I do to make it more easy. Maybe a code button code that I can cope and past on HTML box. But something needs to be done. My website is about photographers and they work. Every day I have people calling me on th Whatsaap to help then to post a photo. Every lead that became a user has the first impression that does not work.
Hi there!
As a workaround, we can help you to insert a button on the profile page that would redirect your members to the photo page, where they can add photos or just a text that would explain the procedure of adding the photo to the site.
Looking forward to your reply!
Best regards,
The NING Team
I have this code that I am using. If I could link it to a ( add photo ) image would help a bit more. A image as I have added.
This is my profile page: http://gplay.com.br/fotografo/FabricioGiugni
Here is the code That I am using on a html box. If you have a beter solution. Please let me know.

<p><a title="Profile" rel="nofollow">Adicionar</a></p>
<table border="0" width="50%" cellspacing="2">
<tr style="height: 30px !important;">
<td align="left" width="12.5%"><a title="Add Photos" href="http://gplay.com.br/fotografia" rel="nofollow"> Fotos </a></td>
Hi there!
No, unfortunately, it is not possible to do so. As an example, we have added such button here http://gplay.com.br/example (it`s a draft page, only admins can see it). It looks exactly the same, and it is even clickable and you can select a photo for uploading, but the photo will not be uploaded anywhere. It is not possible to connect the button itself with photo upload functionality without an API.
Best regards,
The NING Team