What would be the best things to remove from a Network if your members are saying the pages are running too slowly?
We are a social network so people write blogs, only around 700, but some just put a graphic up.
We have a group for making and sharing Themes, we have a preview for these, should we cut them down a little maybe?
Does it really help if members remove older comments they have received?
The graphics people add to their front page in a text box, do they slow their page down and also slow the whole Network down?
Do members who have joined a network then just sit doing nothing take much space?
People were saying my page was slow, so I removed the theme i'd made and put one of the custom Ning ones in place, it didn't seem to make much difference.
Hi Jayne, I find that there are just so many variables when it comes to that. It depends on whether that member is still on dial-up (like a few of mine), DSL, routers, wi-fi ... how old are their computers, how fast is their cable modem, when was the last time they upgraded their modem with the cable company? Etc.
Did the slowness just happened or has it happened since you added something? If you start taking things off and it turns out not to solve the problem then what? Just make sure you know what the issue is before you start dismantling your network.
Good luck to you!
Hmm, could be a Ning thing. Maybe submit a ticket to see what's up with them. If you haven't added anything and nothing has changed other than the slowness, it could be something from their end.
Still, I would exhaust all avenues before deleting features from your network.
Thanks for the info David, I will try it..
FedMedic had some good questions for you to ponder. In addition, David had a great idea as well.
Much Success!
hello have you tried compressing your javascript and miniy your css.by doing this it will make your network load faster..please remember to back up all work before doing this...