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This is just a small tip for Admins as they are the only ones who see this but you may find it helpful

Sometimes you may been looking at some posts that are in a featured list or you may have opened a post that has been featured already but when you look at the Feature button it does not reflect it has been Featured already and just still says Feature. So let's say the item has already been featured but when you look at the button it just says Feature so you press it to make the item Featured but in effect you are actually un-featuring the post, I have done this myself many times in the past.

So here is a small line of CSS which will just add the letter d to the end of the word Feature so it says Featured on featured posts.

.linkbar.linkbar-iconic .icon-feature:after{content:"d";display:inline-block }

Next we can add some optional custom code to change the little tooltip text which shows up when you hover over the button.

The first line will show the word Featured if the post has been featured

The Second Line is a hover function so when you hover over it it says Click to Un-Feature This

And the Last line is for Un-Featured posts to say Click To Feature This.

x$('.linkbar.linkbar-iconic').hover(function() {
x$(this).attr('title','Click To Un-Feature This');
x$('.linkbar.linkbar-iconic .button.button-iconic.feature-button:not(.linkbar.linkbar-iconic').attr('title','Click to Feature This');

This may seem small but makes a big difference when looking at post as Admins especially if you have some new admins on your site.

By the way if you are interested in giving the Feature Add and Edit buttons a make over here is a post I added to do just that.



John :-)

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  • Any idea what the changes would be for 2.0? 

    • Sorry Kos I don't have a 2.0 to look for the classes etc, the principle should be the same I would have thought with just a matter of changing the class names for the 2.0 ones.

      • Was hoping you still had your old 2.0.  Poop!  *lol*

        • That went a very long time ago when 3.0 first came out. If you had a 2.0 I could access then I might be able to take a look at the classes etc as I would need to be an admin to see them. Email me with any log in info if you  like and I will see if I can figure out the class changes for you.

    • NC for Hire

      Hi Kos,

      Unless I'm misunderstanding the question, it shouldn't be a problem in 2.0, since the Featured/Stop Featuring is in the Options drop-down as "Feature" or "Stop Featuring". I agree with you and Bizz, that this is an issue in 3.0. I've had it happen on numerous occasions.



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