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Today I received a google mail about our Ning sites .

The following URLs include fields for entering passwords or credit card data for which the new Chrome warning will be displayed. Review these examples to see where the notifications will appear and you can take the necessary steps to continue to protect user data. It is not a complete list; They are just examples.

According  to Google  : Chrome will mark HTTP pages that collect passwords or credit cards

 as part of a long-term plan to mark all HTTP sites as non-secure. The feature will roll out gradually over the next few weeks.

“Not Secure” warning for HTTP password and credit card pages.

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  • This is not good!

    • Hi there,

      Please don't think that your comment has stayed unnoticed.

      The certificate for your network has been issued, and you should just enable SSL on teh domain mapping tab at the moment, to activate it.

      Please let me know if there are any questions.

      Best regards,

      Ning team.

  • Mis redes ya aparecen como "no seguras".3240164?profile=original

    • Hi Tahita! - if this is your network you can easily switch the https encryption for your network on the domain mapping tab as you are using the native subdomain (the one which is with in teh URL). Here is the screenshot just in case:


      Hope it helps.

      Best regards,

      Ning Team.

      Fluyendo juntos en el UNO
  • This reply was deleted.
    • Hi there!

      Just to inform you, if you are using the pictures in the text boxes they wouldn't be loaded over the https by the default as in fact the raw code has been entered by you, and we are not changing those codes on the server's side, that's why it's was necessary to replace the links with the encrypted ones. Also as you may know all teh images you have uploaded to the network are stored on the This subdomain has the https encryption so basically it should be enough if you just change the http to the https in the link and remove the 80 post from teh code.

      I have checked the pages with some groups on your network and it looks like the pages with them were shown to me as the secure one, maybe I have misunderstood you or visited wrongs groups, also the main page is shown as secure one to me.

      Best regards,

      Ning Team.
      • This reply was deleted.
        • Hi there!

          I guess the misunderstanding has taken place. From your post, unfortunately, I haven't been able to understand which groups you are talking about or under which discussion the picture has disappeared so I have spent few hours checking different pages of your network. What I have been able to find out, the first one the sounds that were uploaded to the chat were not loaded through https, however, I already see this issue been reported to the tech team. The second one when I have visited the page of one of your members I have noticed that the background of the page (the standard one), has also been loaded through http, so I have updated one of the reports related to the issue with SSL. And as I see the high priority has been set to this issue. Have I missed something? If so please let me know.

          Best regards,

          Ning Team.

  • Thanks Kyryl!

    My network  works with SSL now. the green bar appears only on the Sign Up Page and on mobile devices. If someone has the same issue please let us  know. 



    • Hi Javier,

      You just need to check your network as probably some of the pictures and scripts are opened through the http. This could be done through the console, for example in Chrome you should press F12 and then proceed to the console, each elemnt which corapots the certificate would be marked as Mixed content. As usual those files has been loaded so as the links were hardcoded. Everythisn that you should is just to try to load those files through https, in teh code you should simply add s letter to the link so it woud look like https. In case if the file has been uploaded to the, please make sure that it's not getting opened through the 80 port.

      Basically that's it if you need any help with this just let me know, and I'll ask our account manager to take a look.

      Best regards,

      Ning Team.
This reply was deleted.

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