Crowdsourcing Community inspiration for all...So i had an idea to create a simple unofficial Ning Powered Community Showcase.
I need beta testers
This is a place where any of you can share your community and tell us what it is about and vote for designs and communities you like. If you are a Ning community creator, designer or community manager, feel free to share your community with us by telling us about your community, sharing a screenshot or multiple screenshots and tell us about your community and its unique design features.
Things to Include in your post:
- Is your community on Ning 2.0 or 3.0
- Screenshot
- About your community
What You can Do:
- Vote for those which inspire you
- Start discussions and ask questions about other communities
- Learn from One Another..
- Add an HTML signature to your posts
Feel free to join and submit your design. It is as simple as that... Let's Inspire One Another!!
Please send me a message with any bugs you might run into..
Oh... and you'll get a weekly digest of newest community submissions
Just added a Bookmarklet Option to share a community right from your browser bar
Cool Justin... :) I'll check it out..
George that avatar kinda scary. lol!
Is this better?? lol :)
Just joined. Very cool. How did you do the masonry?
Great.. glad to have you...
just a little custom CSS is all... hellobox is a completely different animal than Ning...great for feeds..