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I upgraded my site to 3.0 but now past discussions do not come up in search results. Someone was searching for "Air Purifiers" and I know we have a ton of past discussions on that topic but nothing comes up in a search. What's the point of "upgrading" if we can't find past discussions in our forum? That's 10+ years of information that is now lost to all my members. How can this be fixed? I may as well switch back to my 2.0 site or to another social network company altogether if all my forum discussions are essentially lost since we cannot access them via a keyword search. Please advise why keywords are not yielding any search results! And please advise exactly WHAT is the forum searching for when it does a search, if not keywords? Right now, the search tool has absolutely no value to the site. I'm so confused by this. Thank you.

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  • Rather than kicking-off on here did you contact Ning Support?

    I had a simlar problem after migration and fixed within 30 minutes.

    • Yes. I contacted NING Support and have had no response from them. So that's why I posted here. Glad you were helped so quickly. That has not been my experience.


  • Hello, 

    Thank you for contacting us.

    We are sorry to hear about your issue.

    We have escalated your case to the tech department.

    Hopefully, it will be fixed in the nearest time.

    Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.

    Best regards,

    The Ning Team

    • Thank you for escalating this Elizabeth. I had sent multiple emails to NING support but got no response, and this morning I was contacted by my migration specialist because you escalated it, so thank you very much. Unfortunately, he did not understand the issue and performed work that was unnecessary. I have once again written out the issue and I do hope he understands the problem I am having. If you can't understand the problem, you can't fix it.


  • I am happy to report that the issue was finally fixed! I feel so much relief. Thank you Elizabeth for escalating this!! My forum just needed to be indexed.

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