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Hi there!

Recently there has been a lot of discussion on customizing the network INVITE application, which I have been following with a lot of interest. I thought I would put up a counter-point discussion for anyone interested in an alternative viewpoint.

I do not plan to use the INVITE app for my network because everything I am doing centers on "qualitative" interaction- as opposed to "quantitative". Of course, once I release my network, if I can customize the invite app to my satisfaction, I may very well like integrating it. There's a lot of merit to using the feature to help grow your network virally, and obviously a lot of creators are having success with it.

The problems I have had with the invite app are:

1) The existing template comes across cheaply- just my professional opinion and not in line with the first impression I want people to have with my site. Perhaps the new customizations will help me address this to my satisfaction.

2) The end-user experience of receiving a templated invitation is generally negative- again, my professional opinion and what I'd like to expand upon here.

I've been on hundreds of Nings since starting my own R&D in 2008. When the invite app was introduced, I got quite a lot of e-mails from different networks- all generally indiscriminate of who I am, what I am into, and why I personally might have an interest in the given networks.

For me, this came across more like SPAM. Especially the sheer number of invitations I got became somewhat of a burden. I still get an occassional invite here and then, and they continue to be everything short of impressive. I am very open to networking, but if you want me then you need to talk to me in a substantive discussion, personally addressing me, and arriving at an agreement how my participation on your network can be mutually beneficial.

I think you have to consider the kind of experience people are going to have when you invite them, and it should be consistent with the culture of community you want to develop. I "personally" want my members to feel "personally" invited and welcomed as a valuable part of my community. If they share the network- whether with their friends, co-workers, or customers- then I want them to extend the same kind of courtesy.

The technology itself is exciting to many network creators, but applied in the wrong context can be a major turn-off. Whatever your theme is, the value you are proposing to people, the ultimate experience you want people to have when they participate- these should be the aspects you put forward to them.

Where the technology doesn't fit into that, you should mitigate it, and focus on more effective methods of presentation and delivery. If it is really any kind of substantial value to them, and something they feel like sharing with others they know, then they probably won't have any problem getting the word out whether that be "Liking", "Sharing", "Linking", "E-mailing", "Word of Mouth", or any number of means they feel appropriately represents them in their circles of influence, and likely to be appreciated by the people they are extending an invitation to.




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  • NC for Hire
    Very thoughtful post and one I'll be reflecting on before inviting anyone else. Cheers
  • yes the invitation email takes the guest straight away to the sign up page and the guest doesnt see anything of the actual network as a result most of them just close the link

  • Hi Anthony,

    Wonderful post. This has been a big issue for my group. I own a news discussion forum. What we seek are people who are interested in thoughtful discussions. Yes, I would love to get new members, but not quality of quantity. Getting the word out generically, wouldn't necessarily bring in the people that are A. interested in this type of participation and B. are bright and thoughtful. This has been a big issue for us. Any thoughts would be appreciated. 

  • Hi Anthony,

    My site is The Newstalkers. We came from a similar site called Newsvine, which started off as a small site like mine, but now belongs to MSNBC and became unpleasant to be on, due to the large number of people who joined and changed the tone of the political/news discussions to being very nasty. 

    Please feel free to check out my site and throw out any ideas if you have any. I am pretty much open to anything. 



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