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NC for Hire

In the past I installed Google Search the hard way. It took special coding with new page for results, and several jumping through hoops.

NOW, Google offers an easy way to add a custom Google Search to your Ning Network.

Go here:

  • Click on "Create a Custom Search Engine"
  • Next to: "What do you want to search?" Select - - Only sites I select.
  • Under "Sites to search:" enter your Ning Network URL. If you want to search more than one site, enter 1 URL per line.
  • Agree to Google Terms.
  • Click on Next.
  • Click on Finish.
  • Now you'll be taken to a page with this header: "Search engines I've created"
  • Click on "Control Panel" next to your new Search Engine.
  • Look in left column. You will see a link: "Get code"
  • Copy/paste "Custom Search element code" to a text box on your Ning site.

If you want to see an example of how this works, see the Google Custom Search in right column of Creators (above videos).

This answer is buried within a forum/discussion. I wanted to add it as tutorial, so it's easier to locate.


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  • Ning needs to post instructions on how to use Google CSE as the primary site search .. as they do here n Creators, so you don't end up with two separate search engines for your site. Also so you can embed the results within your pages, not drive the results page to Google.
    • NC for Hire
      Hi Dave,
      The results of this tutorial, display the Google results within the Ning site - - and, you can attach your Google Adsense to the search results. That's what makes it so cool. These instructions do not display results in a separate Ning page, like they do on Creators. But, displays results within the same text box, where you install the code. I actually like it better, than a new page. I have both versions on the NingDir.
      • There's a way to have your search box in one place and search results elsewhere. I set this up for a group I worked with recently (they only have a public home page, so you can only see their search box on the right side of the page, but here's their network). Here's screenshots of how I did it (on the Google CSE Control Panel side):

        • Sorry I should have been clearer, I meant have the Google CSE replace the default Ning search at the top right of the Ning we have here at Creators. Would love to replace it on my regular Ning sites :)
        • NC for Hire
          Hi Manny,
          Thanks for the addition. It needed to be added. I use both methods.

          Hi Dave,
          I see what you're saying.

    • Dave,

       This site uses Google Site Search, as described here which Google charges for, and it depends on how many searches are done thru it per year. For example, I think 20,000 searches is something like 100.00. I can't remember exactly. This topic is a nice little workaround to get it for free (AND add your AdSense to it, which is super cool!).


       Now, How do you (1) get THIS method into that little search box in the top right, or, (2) get rid of that search entry box altogether and replace it with this tool?

  • is there a way I can specify the searches to the "video, photo and members" sections? So it will search the videos photos and members..
  • Is it possible to have the google search box replace the current search box in the top right of the ning network?

    I see creators appears to have it in a text box but is it possible to replace it all together or get it higher at least without paying to remove/move 3 create links.
    • Hi, I need the same functionality as Network Creator Search box. I use Google CSE in a text box, but I want only one search box in my networks, but with my Google CSE functionality. I would appreciate Ning explanation to this question
  • Hey Jen,

    I would like to give my members the ability to search groups by category, name, states, city and zip code. If it is possible, it would great to search by category "employers, community centers and churches" with zip code in radius of 10-25 miles. Is this possible?
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