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You will need to know some simple html for this tip.

1) Start off by creating a group and name it "Classifieds". Then be sure to check off the boxes like I have pictured here (After completion). At this point put a check in the "Comments" & "Discussion Forum" boxes.


Note! I unchecked the Forum box so the forums will not be visible. (...but you'll still have the forum. You just have to link to it... via step 5)

2) Then I'm showing the latest posts via RSS Feed.

550344?profile=original3) I placed a "Post" button so the visitor doesn't get confused with what "Add a Discussion" means. Note: you can not change the "Add a Discussion" in your Language Editor without changing it site wide. (that's why the "Post" button) Here's what I have it look like: (notice lots of keywords for this page)

A classified section targeted directly to surfers. Sell your new or used surfboard or surf gear here at no charge.

550362?profile=originalPost your Classified Here: (via "Add a Discussion")post_your_classifiedYou can place this into your "Description" box. If you didn't already know, you can place html into the "Description" box of any of your Groups. BUT... you are limited to so many words in there so you'll have to play around with it. (I've been asking Ning to increase this for us but never a reply). 

4) Using the Forum Discussions: This is where you can use the power of your Group section because each Group has its OWN forum. (This is why I have the "Discussion Forum" box unchecked BUT you still have it.) Create a Forum Topic for each type of classified category you think applies to your site. 

5) Using the Comment box: Now you can place a category list with links to all your different Forum topics that you created. Each different Forum Topic being the name of each of your different Categories. I did my category list using a drop down menu from Jens site. When finished you just paste the html into the "Comment" box... I also placed a search box in there too...

6) Be sure to uncheck the "Comments" & "Discussion Forum" box under the "Features" via "Edit Discussion" under your Options tab when completed.

To see how I completed mine you can view it at: Classifieds for Surfers

Oh... and please feel free to critique my Classifieds

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  • I banged my head on this for awhile and then I realized you can still have the Forum even if the box for it is unchecked. You just simply link to it instead.

  • NC for Hire

    Nice, Scott!

  • I've had this for a LONG time...
    • Janettee, I checked yours out. It doesn't have the rss feed on the main page.

      • I know - I didn't want the RSS feed. I just meant the group with the hidden forum part... I use links rather than RSS.

    • I have a group with job listings done in a slightly different way.

      I use pages for categories.

      Tab (named jobs) links directly to View All Pages (in the group I mean)

      Each new page added (a category) has the allow comments box checked so members can post their job offers under each category too.

      Group text box use for paid advertisement. 

      No forum

      No group comment box

      Mine is at this link

      • Hey Denis, I can't view yours without becoming a member.

        But can you view the latest listings from your members on the main Classified page. You need an rss feed to do that and "Pages" do not have the rss following.

        Also, without using the forum the listings can become very disorganized and hard to manage if you start getting lots of listings therefore confusing to the viewers.

      • hey denis, I noticed that on your page you have it so that people can give gifts for brithdays. How did you do that. that is pretty cool

  • Wow I wish I had read this earlier I to start a new site. and added a app classifieds has like 1000 categories already or so, and it's taken me weeks to edit the categories. Plus it cost me a little bit to setup. Oh well it does have a database that pulls in ads from other databases, and an e-commerce thing so you can charge for ads, and more so it was worthwhile but you know it's it's so time-consuming to configure it. I still have four or five days to work on it until it's finished.

  • nice work on the hidden forum link. very useful. 

    thanks a lot.

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