Hi guys,
I hope we can create a procedure that could help others.
I have my Ning network created on a main domain. Let's say www.mydomain.com, but now I want to create a wordpress blog using that domain, and "move" my Ning network to a subdomain of that original www.mydomain.com, that is the new URL for my Ning will be www.mysubdomain.mydomain.com
In other words:
- before the change, people is reaching my ning at www.mydomain.com
- after the change people will reach my ning at www.mysubdomain.mydomain.com
My current network (www.mydomain,com) was defined in Godaddy, following this procedure: http://help.ning.com/cgi-bin/ning.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=2972
but, I'm trying to adapt the same procedure to a "subdomain" and I have not been able to make it work.
To add some excitement to the project, my domain was bought from Godaddy (that's why I used the procedure above). But the hosting for my blog will be done at BlueHost.
Any idea how could I put this project together?
Thanks a lot
Hi SR,
thanks for the input. What I noticed though is they suggest "Cancel your domain service with Ning", which seems to apply to the previous billing system? where one could cancel the domain option?
What I did I approached the Help guys. Hopefully, they help me to put a procedure together and I'll share here.
I don't know about godaddy but I do manage my own dns on my own, though godaddy points to my dns and mapped to Ning. DISCLAIMER OK.. I'm taking no blame for this..do it at your own risk..! :)
Let's see if this work for you.
Domain mapping on your dashboard - you will need to change this first so that NING's DNS mapping (records) get updated.
1. Specify the subdomain www.yousubdomain.yourdomain.com (this might take over 24hrs to update depending on how ning handles the mapping)
2. On your DNS (godaddy or your server) the www needs to be remap to your original domain. And if you made changes by adding the IP address of Ning you will have to revert that too. (because this is on godaddy their records might take time to update too)
In this case:
www IN CNAME yourdomain.com.
3. Within your DNS .. find the subdomain you have created which will have an A record example:
www.yoursudomain IN A
Change the above IP address to enter Ning's IP address,
Hector, if you have access directly to your own DNS rather than Godaddy. My suggestion is to leave Godaddy to point to your host (server) then edit the entries on your server giving you more control. Hope that didn't confuse you and hope it works for you..just note it takes time for the changes to take place.
So just a summary how this work.
user type www.mysub.mydomain.com --> DNS Server 1 says it's on this IP --> IP picks this up and directs www.mysub.mydomain.com to --> yourningsubdomain.ning.com
user type www.mydomain.com --> DNS Server 1 says it's on youroriginaldomain.com
Hi Joe,
I tried to specify as you mention in step 1, but it complained that "No DNS was defined". Then, I created the subdomain in Godaddy, but the actual domain will be with Bluehost.... I could not make it work.
What I did I approached the Help guys. Hopefully, they help me to put a procedure together and I'll share here.
Hi Hector,
Question with bluehost, is this a virtual host or dedicated server where you have access to DNS settings? (if you can answer this would be great help, will try to gather what you actually have on-hand so that I understand where you are creating the subdomain)
You could do without the www.subdomain.maindomain.com with just subdomain.maindomain.com.
1. For domain mapping on Ning's Dashboard will look like this - mysubdomain.mymaindomain.com then this possibly be ok on the ning side of things without the "www"
Hi Joe,
it's a virtual host. What I've done with other domains that I bought from Godaddy and I host in Bluehost is that I set the NameServers in Godaddy to point to Bluehost.
If I implement step # 1 first my Network will be down, shouldn't it be the last step?
1) Where do I create the subdomain in Godaddy or BlueHost? (remember that I bought my domain from Godady, but I want to host a blog later in BlueHost.
2) What about the NameServers entries in Godaddy, do I need to point to Bluehost or leave it pointing to Godaddy (or maybe Ning)?
Check here so you see what I mean http://help.ning.com/cgi-bin/ning.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faq...
3) Your step (2) above is to be done in Godaddy or Bluehost?
4) Your step (3) above is to be done in Godaddy or Bluehost?
I have it working now:
Blog at http://www.comunidadlatinaencanada.com/
Ning at http://www.redsocial.comunidadlatinaencanada.com/
However, for some reason this one does not work:
These are my settings in the Zone File Records (bluehost Advanced DNS Zone Editor ~ I wonder if I have an error)
Name TTL Class Type Record
comunidadlatinaencanada.com. 14400 IN A
mail.comunidadlatinaencanada.com. 14400 IN CNAME comunidadlatinaencanada.com
www.comunidadlatinaencanada.com. 14400 IN CNAME comunidadlatinaencanada.com
ftp.comunidadlatinaencanada.com. 14400 IN CNAME comunidadlatinaencanada.com
comunidadlatinaencanada.com. 14400 IN TXT "v=spf1 a mx ptr include:bluehost.com ?all"
_domainkey.comunidadlatinaencanada.com. 14400 IN TXT "o=~"
www.redsocial.comunidadlatinaencanada.com.14400 IN A
In Bluehost Simple DNS Zone Editor
Name Type Record
localhost.comunidadlatinaencanada.com. A
mail.comunidadlatinaencanada.com. CNAME comunidadlatinaencanada.com
www.comunidadlatinaencanada.com. CNAME comunidadlatinaencanada.com
ftp.comunidadlatinaencanada.com. CNAME comunidadlatinaencanada.com
www.redsocial.comunidadlatinaencanada.com. A
Sorry mate on the train home and few job related stuff to attend to. But a quick one, in the case of go daddy you have everything pointing back to your bluehost solution dns otherwise it could be messy editing two different DNS.
Also from the detail you have here, you might require a cname for the last line about the subdomain, which looks to be missing for redsocial.comunidadlatinaencanada.com and the IP off ning should be pointing to this cname while the www.redsocial.comunidadlatinaencanada.com should be a "A" record to redsocial.cominidadlatinaencanada.com
Let me know how you go..
Cheers...sorry for the rush!
Try this.. sorry need to jump online for work..
redsocial 14400 IN CNAME
www.redsocial.comunidadlatinaencanada.com 14400 IN A
redsocial 14400 IN CNAME redsocial.yourning.com.
www.redsocial.comunidadlatinaencanada.com 14400 IN A
www.redsocial.comunidadlatinaencanada.com. 14400 IN A
Did the subdomain when you create it before the edit was this long I meant "www.redsocial.comunidadlatinaencanada.com." ?
If it's this long then you might like to add via the advance editor with this
redsocial.comunidadlatinaecanada.com. 14400 IN CNAME redsocial.yourning.com
www.redsocial.comunidadlatinaecanada.com. 14400 IN A