Hi there,
The button likes this little one and it does not work. No one can enjoy a photo on my site. Would you help me?
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Right now the like button is not clickable because it is located under another div.
Try adding this to the custom css section, it should help.
Hi there,
It worked. I would like to have Like option as close it can be from Like button from Facebook. The same size, same place. Would be something that every single user is familiar with. If you can help will be nice.
Thanks a Lot
My colleague has relocated the Like button as you asked, please check it.
Best regards,
The NING Team
Hi There,
I took about a minute to find where it was. It works better when Like button cames under the photo. The is hiding...
Chek this print screen . Can you do like that?
I apologize for the misunderstanding. We can try to make the button similar to the Facebook one, but since it won't be simple CSS anymore, and will require some javascript coding, it will not be for free.
If you are interested I can discuss the price with one of the developers.
Looking forward to your reply!
Best regards,
The NING Team
Hi there,
Yes, I would like to know the price. The problem is, I never got anything as I need from you. I need to know how it will look like, Why I will pay for something that Is not How I need. Obviously, if Ning really understands about this, I was not asking you to fix it because it is hidden.
PS: Please, can you put the like button back where it was?
When we take a fee for additional customization, the developers always thoroughly discuss the task with the client before any further steps are taken to avoid a situation when the result doesn't meet an expectation. I can provide you with an approximate amount, but it will be much better if you explain (ideally show us a mockup) of the desired result.
I apologize, but not every single detail is clear from the screenshot you presented earlier. Do you want the button to look like as a button of Facebook? Or the location should be the same? Or the size? Or maybe altogether.
I would really appreciate if you give us a picture of your site showing how you want it to look like, and we can start from there.
Looking forward to your reply!
Best regards,
The NING Team
I got some help from here in the past. Now I have all this codes on Css And I think is a lot and must be one or more for the same thing. Could you have a look?
/* PHOTOS Adjust the viewer to adjust to photo size eliminating white space and showing photo size 100% **/
.photoDetailPage-image > img {
position: relative; display: flex; max-height: 100vh; height:auto; margin: 0px auto ;}
.photoDetailPage-image { position: relative;}
.photoDetailPage .image-aspect-4-3 {
width: 100%;
height: auto;
padding-bottom:0px; }
div.photoDetailPage div#vc-feelback-main{
@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
.page-photos .likebox.ning-likebox {
position: absolute;
top: 80%;
left: 3%;
z-index: 3;}
.page-photos .button-tiny.likeButton a
{ font-size: 40px;}
@media screen and (min-width: 481px) { .profileCoverArea {
height: 480px;
width: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;
} }
.page-photos .likebox.ning-likebox {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
z-index: 3;}
.likebox.ning-likebox { position: absolute; z-index: 100; }
position: relative;
z-index: 1;