Current status of the Ning Platform is always available on the Ning Status Blog.


Please take a look at our page, we're looking for ways of increasing membership, looking to provide more ways for authors to use the site. I'm open to all suggestions.

And if anyone can come up with a way to turn off the sensitivity of the spam settings it would be great ONE member keeps getting flagged for spam and she's sending us angry letters (she's nice) but she's pissed.



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  •  LOL It happened to a very active member of mines every post they made sent it to spam so I created a category as a blogger and made them a blogger now their post doesn't go into the spam box anymore 

  • Hello Lauren! 

    I am very sorry to hear it. Unfortunately, there is no way to adjust the sensitivity of our anti-spam filter. We can only offer you to turn it off completely. 

    Please let me know if you would like to do that. 

    Bets regards,

    The NING team

  • NC for Hire

    Optimize Optimize Optimize   (home page needs work-cut down on # of images loading)  

    Buy a domain and map it to domain


    Lease groups to authors and publishing houses to give them the ability to tell more of a story and make authors more accessible..

    Build a custom app to make reading pages on the network more accessible...

    Put books into collections and place ads inside the collections...

    Look into ways to create Bookshelves (i have several tips on this)

    Set up a dedicated Facebook Page and Twitter then use IFTTT to pump RSS feeds to them to keep new members constantly signing up..

    Just a few ideas... contact me if you'd like to discuss the possibilities..

    New App for Getting Help with Your Ning Community
    I was playing around with Glideapps and put together this little app for finding tips and tricks and for asking questions about how to do things with…
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Some interesting articles related to community management, digital marketing etc. could be found in our digest. Don't hesitate to leave a feedback so we would know that we should continue :-)

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