Our site is transistioning from 2.0 to 3.0 and I've noticed that there doesn't appear to be a sent message folder for members, only an inbox.
Is there something we need to turn on or is this something ning forgot to include inversion 3.0 (or somrthing they're working on)?
You need to be a member of Ning Creators Social Network to add comments!
If the member goes into their email they will have options show up
When I click on the envelope icon all I get is an option to read messages or go to my inbox. Once in the inbox I only have options to deal with inbox messages, no clickable link/icon to see a sent folder.
I'm assuming when you say "email" we are talking about the same thing. Since I'm not a member of any other ning website I can't go look at anything other than our new 3.0 site (reccenet.ning.com) or our old 2.0 site (rvahnavy.ning.com). When I'm logged in to the 3.0 site at the top of the page there is a bar with a search box and icons for friend's requests, messages, invite contacts, My Name, and a sign out link
In the old 2.0 site if I go to my messages then I see a header with clickable links like in your screen shot.
If there are no messages sent then it will not show up, try sending a message to yourself and then it should show up. It works the same much like categories, if nothing has been added to a category then the link for it does not show as it's empty.
I've sent a number of messages to my fellow admin/site creator. I know he received them because he replied (also since the database was migrated from th 2.0 site I would think my sent messages from there should appear on the new 3.0 site).
No it wouldn't it have to be messaged sent on 3.0 if you're looking for the messages from 2.0 to show up in the sent box on 3.0 that's not going to happen

3.0I've sent and received a few messages to the other admin/creator on the 3.0 website and the sent and archive options are not appearing.

This is what I see:
Steve it is there, it's just you can just about see it as the links against your background are quite dark
The css just goes in your design studio custom css
The first line sets the colour for the links themselves
The second line set the colour for when hover and the active link
.page-profiles-message .subnav li a { color: blue }
.page-profiles-message .subnav li a:hover, .page-profiles-message .subnav li.subnav-current a{ color:orange}
No worries Steve :-)