Hi all,
Not enough people on my site use the Share options. This is pretty annoying, so to try and encourage members to promote their own contnent using the social share options I've started sending a weekly broadcast (on a Monday - my Weekly Digest is on a Friday) showcasing the most read (i.e top of the leaderboard) blog post. It looks like this and I have included the code below
It's our way of rewarding popular content on Network Name.
You'll get the email on a Monday in addition to our weekly digest email sent on Fridays.
This week member name questions when a bonus becomes a bribe, using the example of the Stephen Hester and RMT members looking for more money to work over the Olympics.
Member Name says:
"The point I was making is that both of these scenarios involved a person, or persons, receiving extra money to do a job they were already being paid to do.
Now, I'm not suggest all bonus payments are bribes, where a person goes beyond their job remit or exceeds targets set for them, then a bonus is truly deserving.
However, when a person is paid an extra payment to do the job they are already being paid to do, is this not a bribe? Afterall that person is already receiving remuneration for doing that job, and extra one of payment to keep doing it must surely fall under the auspices of a bribe.
This got me thinking....."
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So if you want your posts to get the most eyeballs don't forget to share your content.
template attached.
Beautiful! I love the bottom row.
Great job,
true! but in truth it's not reall about what is actually the most read, that doesn't matter. it's more about saying to people that if they share they might feature in an email :-)
Nice template Sweet Potato.
My readers are an eclectic bunch. I don't think the single most read post would work with them.
I do a "Readers' Choice - Top 25" monthly post. I should start broadcasting it.
The posts are ranked by Unique Pageviews from Google Analytics.
I use the addthis script. I've added it top left, lots of people share the site now :D
I really do like addthis.com and they have get analytics