Well decided to add some more goodies to the events page as thought these would be a nice idea. I have added a predefined list of messages that the member can add into an event ( you can change them or create more if you wish ). I will show all the messages when I add the code for you as just need to finish adding the list into the detail page first. Basically the member can choose one or more of the messages to add above the event, for instance suppose Children go Free at that event you can add that, or if it's full, or Cancelled etc etc. I have added a few for you to see. In the main wide column they show like little buttons at the top of the event and in the side columns they show as text. That is all but the Event Cancelled as this will always show red. In the wide column it will show accross the event details not at the top and if any other messages where at the top they are removed.
Also a neat little touch was for the Wheelchair access icon so disabled attendees know they have Wheelchair access.
The buttons colours can easily be changed in the CSS to what you like.
Also a new button has been added into the menu to show all cancelled events.
I am working on a notification to go in the Ning bar that will show if any events you are going to have been cancelled.
Well here are some images but you can go to my site to see them live now on both my demo events lists
Demo: http://bizzssite.ning.com/events-demo or http://bizzssite.ning.com/events-demo2
All the code will be added very soon.
Wow... really nice!