Give your members the ability to add videos and CSS styles to their profile!!!
Update JUN 12, 2018
I've updated, enhanced & integrated AnGella and SweetPotatos codes into my codes. Click here or here to see it live. If you're at work turn your volume down I do have a video set to autoplay.
Be sure to go to AnGella and SweetPotatos tip and thank them for the work they have done. Both their tips have been updated here on creators so if you'd rather use there tip it's all good :)
First you'll need to set up the (profile questions) then add the (about module) to a (tab Container) on your profiles.
Setting up the two questions
These two profile questions should be the first two questions out of all questions you're using for your network. You can easily drag them up to the top of the list to make them questions one and two. Don't worry these two questions will not display while signing up to the network, they'll only display in the members profile options.
AnGellas Add CSS to Member Profiles
Ning 3.0 Tip: Add CSS to Member Profiles Do not use the code from AnGella tip If you're going to use my codes..
Setup Question 1) To add this feature to your Ning 3.0 site you will need to add a profile question that contains the words "add CSS".It is case-sensitive. You will want to set the answer to use the Long Answer option. Make sure you do not set the question to "required" or "private" because this question doesn't display during sign-up.
Example: Style Profile, add CSS codes
SweetPotato's "Profile Embed"
Ning 3.0 Tip: Insert Videos and Music Players on Profile Pages Do not use the code from SweetPotatos tip If you're going to use my codes.
Setup Question 2) Add a Profile Question to your Ning 3.0 site. Make it a "Website Address" answer and you MUST include the word 'embed' in your question. Make sure you do not set the question to "required" or "private" because this question doesn't display during sign-up.
Example: Add videos, <iframe embed code
The "Profile Style, add CSS codes" question should be added before the "Add videos, <iframe embed code" question. These two profile questions should be the first two questions out of all questions you're using for your network. You can easily drag them up to the top of the list to make them questions one and two.
Note ( if you're using my gframe code for fluent videos on your network remove it and just change the ID in the JavaScript below to id="gframe" )
The Code
This code go's in your ( Custom Code - End of Page Code box )
<!-- JavaScript #id & class calls *
* id="no_gf" = MOD " Fluid videos only in the mod DIV "
* id="gframe" = MOD + gframe v11.5, Fluid videos throughout your whole network *
* ************************************
* class="cell_on UFOan" or class="cell_off UFOan"
* will turn the video MOD on or off for cell phones and portable devices 1024px or smaller *
* ************************************
* theme Any = add to the class ( UFOan , Origan , Botan , Topan or Bot2an ) *
* ************************************
* Change the "id" and "class" to "null" to only have the CSS feature enabled *
* -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript" id="gframe" class="cell_on UFOan"></script>
HTML body DIV.central-content .activityFeed-embed[data-type="video"] > .activityFeed-embedContent, HTML body DIV.central-content .activityFeed-embed[data-provider="SoundCloud"] > .activityFeed-embedContent {
padding-bottom: 15px !important;
HTML BODY .fluidvids-item {
position: absolute!important;
After the questions & codes are added you and your members will be able to style and add videos to your profile.
Go to your profile, press the option button and select edit profile to style your profile and add videos.
Click here or here to see it live.
Note ( if you're using my gframe code for fluent videos on your network remove it and just change the ID in the JavaScript below to id="gframe" )