Since our website transitioned from a Ning 2.0 to a Ning 3.0 website one of the Admin accounts that was transferred via the database has stopped receiving new member approval emails. As far as I can tell the only email accounts receiving those emails are the Creator and my account (my account was created before the data transfer to test the site, everything attached to my email address on the old account appeared to attach to my "new" account when we imported the data from the 2.0 website). I have verified that account has all the check boxes checked in its profile for receiving new member approval emails.
Has anyone else had this issue? Does anyone have a "fix"?
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This one I think you need to speak to Ning about but the only thing I can think off is first try removing the member as an admin and make them a normal member. Give it an hour or so so the databses get fully updated then go back to that member and make him an admin again, this may refresh the account to start receiving emails again. Other than that if they only have one email address get them to create a new one, like in google as easy enough to do, then get them to join the network with this new email address and make them admin and then they should receive the emails.
Other than that can't think of anything else to try if this does not work without speaking to Ning.
Bizz :-)
Unfortunately that is an email account created specifically to handle new member and membership communications. We have one other administrative email which I went ahead and created a profile for and made an admin to see what happens. I changed the account in question to standard membership and let it stay that way over night, set it to admin again this morning and will have to wait and see what happens. Thanks for your help!!