Hello Creators! Does anyone know if it's possible to move the label created with the text badge in members categories below the pictures? Now they overlay with the pics hiding half of it.
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Hmmm I know you can shrink them to 66% which places the box below the image but shrinking the overall appearance is not what you're trying to do. I'm sorry but I'm going to follow your conversation and see if anyone with more experience comes up with a solution. Guys? Gals?
Well, here's what it looks like but they turn out off center and don't have the best (natural) appearance. You want the actual bottom portion pushed lower, below the box. If you'd like to try it yourself, insert this code in your CSS area and take a look.
/* small group photos */
[class*="matrix-media-"] {width: 66%;}
I'll try to work on it further when I'm off work but it's hard to play around much while I'm working. Don't give up! lol
ps - click the image to enlarge :)
Give this a try. Be sure to check all devices. Add this CSS to your Custom CSS Box:
.avatar-badgeText {
Hi Jen, your solution absolutely rocks! thank you so much!
May I ask you to take a look to my network? (www.community.collengworld.com) I'd love your feedbacks about it. I'm sure there is something I can improve, both for site css, codes etc, and contents.
Below a pic of the result.
Really, thank you.
Your site is nice and clean. I don't favor the full width sites. But, it works for what you've done, IMHO. I think you've done a nice job.
You might want to center videos - - the ones you've added in text boxes. Just throw in a center like this:
<p align="center"><iframe width="853" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/inTJplrQ2Q4?rel=0" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0"></iframe></p>
And, you might try adding a simple line divider (bottom-border) between each blog post.
.blogSection-entry {
border-bottom:1px dashed #e6e6e6;
If you ever need professional design work or in-depth CSS, give me a holler: http://jencreative.co/
Hi Jen,
I just noticed that If I extend the text lenght (from "Junior" to "Professional Junior") it' will stay on 1 line with the result below. Is it possible to force it to stay on the pic width and go on 2 lines or more if needed?
I couldn't get any of my tricks to work, not sure why.