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I just read that our NING support staff is located in Kyiv and I feel terrible that I complained so much in the help chat.  I did not know they were in Ukraine. This being said, there is no reason for me to complain and I won't from this moment forward.  I will do what I can on my end and if they can help, great, but if not, it's okay.  They are in my daily prayers and I hope they all can stay safe.

If anyone can offer suggestions regarding my problems below, that would be great.  But as I just read, and agree, "it is just a website" which is not a big deal considering what Ukraine is going through.

Can anybody give guidance on the remaining issue below.  I fixed the social channel problem.

NING did sort of fix the "search by location" on my NING site, but it broke the entire search capability in doing so.  No one can search for anything at all, not members, or anything else for that matter.  We have the locations still there, but when we go to search for a member, it says "no member found" and "why not search for something else".

I am completely at my wit's end with 3.0 that I basically just migrated over less than two months ago, from 2.0 after 12 years.  So I am a loyal customer.  I am astounded at all of the issues in my site (but now I know why) and I don't remember much of the html I needed to learn for 2.0.

Anyone have any idea what I can do to get the search to work again in the members area, at the top of the site and also in chat?  Ning support says they cannot so it has to go up the chain to the techs but after learning their situation, I won't be such a complainer anymore.


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  • Hi Donna, not sure if I can help with the search but will look into it to see if I can do anything with. With regards to the social channel videos how exactly are you trying to remove them ? Social channel videos are just being pulled in from where the channel is like YouTube so you can't just remove a single video from your site, you can however remove the social channel link from the page in your social site manager or just delete that social channel page to remove them. Your normal videos are different and can be deleted one by one if needed.

    Bizz :-)

    • I am speaking about the social channel.  I removed all but one social channel and none of them will go away.  I don't know what else to do. It's been four days.  I have deleted what I needed to on videos.  I should have named it social channel.  I am new to 3.0 but had 2.0 for 12 years or so.  I can't believe how lost I am.  Thank you for any help.

      • NC for Hire

        Donna MacShoe 

        you can send a screenshot to understand the situation plz
        • 10233471099?profile=RESIZE_710xI fixed the channel issue.  However, my website's "search" for members does not work and hasn't for over a week.  It doesn't work anywhere on the site, including in the chat.  There is no way members can find other members from any area of the site.  NING knows about this and it is waiting for the tech department.  I know NING has staff in Ukraine so if anyone knows how I could possibly get search to work again that would be wonderful.  I don't think it is broke, I think it no longer exists on my site.



    • NC for Hire

      Bizz Donna MacShoe 

      deleted all the javascript and put back but nothing to do, checked and changed the domains but nothing to do, is it possible with Javascrips to give an input to the search bar John ?

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