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Ning help = No help. On the way out?

Running v.2 since 2011 - which makes us a long term customer! Right through all Ning ups and downs.

For nearly 2 weeks now I have had no access to the dashboard through the network/manage tab.

That means that I cannot get to and work on the the back room of the site, manage members etc. 

Other errors include - photos cannot be uploaded. What happened to the share function on the slideshow? .. etc.etc etc.

I have been in constant contact with Ning. I get a lot of apologetic and smooth-over emails in response, but no action.

It seems to me that the network is currently grinding down... Quick and friendly apologetic are great, but they are not customer support.

Our members are clamouring for a new website host. Looks like that is our way forward.



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  • Hello Greg! 

    Please let me express my sincere apologies. 

    I see that the list of the recent issues is slowly growing, and often the resolution doesn't come as quickly as we would like. But I can see that just a few hours ago you have been notified regarding the fix for the Dashboard tab, and I believe that the resolution for photo upload is on its way. 

    We are really sorry for leading you to the point where you consider switching the platform, but I hope you can reconsider your decision. 

    Best regards,

    The NING Team

    • Ciao Anastasia. 

      Anche sui miei network c'è lo stesso problema. E' impossibile caricare le foto:

      "Si è verificato un problema nel caricamento del seguente file".


      • Hello!

        Thank you for letting us know! 

        Does this issue occur on all your networks or just some of them? 

        Looking forward to your reply!

        Best regards,

        The NING Team

        • Su tutte le mie reti.

          • Hello!

            Thank you for specifying! Our Tech Team has eliminated the issue with photo upload, now you should be able to upload pictures to your sites. However, unfortunately, during the fix we had to permanently disable flash uploader, so now it is possible to use the standard uploader only. 

            Please accept our apologies for the inconveniences. 

            Best regards,

            The NING Team

            • Adesso funziona su tutti i network. 

              Grazie Anastasia e grazie al supporto di Ning.

              • Hello!

                You are welcome! I apologize for the temporary inconveniences. 

                Best regards,

                The NING Team

  • welcome to MY world. We cannot post videos or url links of any kind. We're a geopolitical/cryptocurrencies blog. Um, hullo? We kind of need current news on the blog every day. We haven't been able to post ANY link from any website since last saturday morning ... and all of YOUR words are a mirror of my experience this week. 

    I was so fed up that yesterday I sent a response to the current ticket and stated very firmly that Ning is incompetent. enough. I haven't even had a response to anything since wednesday morning. And it's friday. And worse, it's now Christmas weekend which tells me we won't see any repair work until new year's. 

This reply was deleted.

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