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Hi there. I'm having a real problem. I have had website communities for years. I decided I loved these tabs and the way the new 3.0 platform looks so I created a website. There's one thing missing though and it's big. My websites have always had lots of member participation but not so here on the new 3.0 platform and that's because when someone adds a discussion to the site not anyone except for the person that added the discussion knows it's in the group. "If" by chance, another member comes on the site and sees the activity feed then they can read it but otherwise my members don't know what's going on with the website. I pay quite a bit more here for my website than I was at my old website with another company. My website here on ning is practically dead. No one comes on unless I send out email notifications, feature lots of things and reply to a lot of discussions which makes me look like I'm bugging.

I like the daily diary but it's only for email notifications too. Who cares about getting a daily diary of emails notifications. But, people would love getting a daily diary of all of the discussions that were added to the site that day. And these "follow" this discussion? Who is going to follow something that they don't even know that the discussion is there in the group because no one got a notification of the discussion being added in the first place? It's just silly.

On the other sites I was a creator on they always sent out an email notification when someone added a discussion to a group that a member belonged to. That's only kind. Some of the old ning sites had so much being added in a day in a group that it clogged up my email but at least we got notified in our home emails and I could go read whatever discusision in the group. But a choice of a daily diary for all that was added to the site in the day is such a good idea! Please think about this. It's no use of me having a site and pay for one when no one comes on because no one knows what's going on.

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    • Hi Tom,

      As Thisisbully has mentioned it's all the same for the groups as well. I have posted that screenshot just to show that this button could be found at the bottom of the page. But in order to avoid any misunderstanding in the future here is the screenshot from the forum page in the group.


      Best regards,

      Ning Team.

  • I need to apologize. I was wrong, . I don't know why, but all of this time I thought that the follow button was for following a "discussion". I didn't know that we could go into a forum or a tab inside of a group, go down to the end of the page and click onto the follow button and then if someone adds anything to the group we will get an email notification. I have informed my members of this since I found this out. I sitll wish an email notice would go out to a group automatically when someone adds to a group that a person belongs to though without having to "follow" it, but, at the same time this is much better than thinking we could only follow a "discussion". It took me four months, I feel so stupid. Sorry you guys. We can delete this discussion now if you all want to, I'm so sorry

    • Hi there!

      Your suggestion to change the functionality of notifications for groups would still stay in our tasks tracking system, no worries.

      Regarding the removal of the discussion, I don't think it's necessary as probably someone would have the same concern as you do and this discussion could help :-)

      Best wishes,

      Ning Team.

      • Any update for this task?

        The function of automatic notification to the group members (without their action for clicking the follow button) when there is a new post created is very crucial to the member engagement.

  •  I have the same problem.. also the Share feature that I used every day on my 2.0 -feature is missing on 3.0... I also have complaints from members not getting notifications... this is a necessary feature to keep the site alive!!


    NING PLEASE LISTEN!!! We need better ways to notify members of activity!

This reply was deleted.

Some interesting articles related to community management, digital marketing etc. could be found in our digest. Don't hesitate to leave a feedback so we would know that we should continue :-)

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