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Hi there,

Well... you can imagine my jaw falling to the floor when I recently opened an email from Ning Customer service regarding my 3.0 and informing me... I am over due for payments dating back to 2013!!! Oh yeah right!!! OMG!!!

So I have gone through all my emails, which state clearly that these 3.0 Sandboxes were Grandfathered in... meaning our price was forzen...and that until the 3.0 was functionable there was NO FEE because it is still in sandbox stage!!!OMG!!!

Has anyone had an issue with this?

Certainly I have no intention for paying for something that never functioned and has had no activity since 2013!!! OMG!!!!

I was going to ask if my 3.0 was ever going to be functionable? I was one of the very first to migrate during Beta Testing... but my 3.0 never fully functioned some bugs no one ever fixed... I have never gotten any answers about it...

Was anyone successful with those first sandbox migrations? And what about the grandfathered price?




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  • Now I remember when those first came out. They were supposed to be free for ever. That's terrible news Susie! I'm so sorry you're going through that.

    One thing you could do. Not pay for it and contact Ning live support on the website. Ask them what their policy is for grandfathered networks and honoring historical data.

  • Hi there!

    I do suppose that network is connected to the other email address, not the one that you are using on the network I'm familiar with. could you please provide me with the URL to the network you are referring to in this post so I could check the case and see what has happened? If necessary you are welcome to use a private message, since it could be necessary to share some private information.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Best regards,

    Ning team.

  • It's the main reason I did the migration when it first started they said they would double our plan storage space 

  • NC for Hire

    I've been sitting in my sandbox too waiting for migration since then...i would love to move to the sandbox and get rid of my Ning 2.0.... haven't recieved a message like this and i sure hope I don't because it will certainly raise my blood pressure..

    • Hi there!

      I have checked you 3.0 network, and as I see you shouldn't receive the message that you have to pay for it, well at least until the migration.

      Besе regards,

      Ning team.

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