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I need some detailed advice on how the monetization features work in NING 3.0


  • Is there a fee that we need to pay in order to create "paid access and paid membership"? If yes, how much per month and how much is charged per transaction?
  • What about VAT and other sales taxes? Is VAT automatically added or can we choose whether a certain product is taxable or non-taxable? This is essential to us because most of our products re non-taxable as they include tutoring or other forms of "live interaction" with clients. 

Who has some experience with these features and is willing to share here? 

Thanks a lot in advance.



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  • There is a ning fee plus a stripe fee all together you will be paying 8 to 10% fee on the total amount .. So I just have them cashapp me or apple pay me donations its no fee using those platforms..

  • Hello Katja!

    There is a fixed 5% fee for each transaction you process via E-com, and also transaction fee from PayPal or Stripe. E-commerce feature is not an add-on, it is a part of 3.0 functionality and there is no monthly or starting payment, only fee per transaction. 

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to select whether the product is taxable or not, all the payments are non-taxable by default. 

    Best regards,

    The NING Team

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