Now this is not something that a lot of NC's realise that you can do, you can add YouTube videos and other things like Soundcloud music into your activity feed. It's always been available but just not mentioned. The only problem with adding YouTube videos is that they where not big or responsive so here is a tip to remedy that. The videos you add do NOT get added to your current video pages they are just available in the activity feed.
This will work in the activity feeds in profile pages, side columns etc. The activity feeds must be set to detail and not titles only.
Here is an Example on my demo site, you will see I have added an activity feed in the side column as well so you can see it working there. I added a link to my profile page so you can check it out on profile pages also.
NOTE: Just use the YouTube link from share and not the embed option.
No custom code is needed just css so all the code just goes in your design studio custom css. The first parts are optional but the last part is required.
First how to add a YouTube link to your activity. All you do is go to a video on YouTube you want to share then choose the share option under the video and copy the link ( don't choose embed )
This is what you will paste into the status share box on your site at the top of your activity ( your members can do this as well ). If you don't want to add any text then just paste the link and choose share on your site or whatever you named the button.
If you are adding a little text like a description add that first then press enter and add the link on a new line.
Ok so here is the code. In the optional parts you can add all of the blocks of code or just the ones you want. You MUST add the required code at the bottom though.
/* Changes the text on status post back to normal rather than bold */
.activityFeed-detailTitle {
/*Add the Words You Tube link above the link added */
.activityFeed-detailTitle.create_status > a[href^=""]::before,
.statusDetailPage-mainSection .activityFeed-headline > a[href^=""]::before{
content:"You Tube Link";display:block;
/* Adds Some Padding and margin between the Headline and link */
.statusDetailPage-mainSection .activityFeed-headline > a[href^=""],
.activityFeed-detailTitle.create_status > a[href^=""]{
padding:5px 0px 0px 5px;
/*Widens the box which holds the status content */
.feedEvent-createStatus .activityFeed-content,
.statusDetailPage-mainSection .activityFeed-content{
/** THESE ARE REQUIRED to make the video bigger and responsive **/
.activityFeed-embed[data-type="video"] > .activityFeed-embedContent{
position: relative!important;
padding-bottom: 56.25%!important;
height: 0!important;
overflow: hidden!important;
max-width: 100%!important;
height: auto!important;
.activityFeed-embed[data-type="video"] .videoFrame iframe,
.activityFeed-embed[data-type="video"] > .activityFeed-embedContent iframe{
border: none!important;
overflow: hidden!important;
position: absolute!important;
top: 0!important;
left: 0!important;
width: 100%!important;
height: 100%!important;
I have added and expand button to view it bigger on my site now, this is not included in the code above but will add the code after further testing of this option. So far seems to be working well though.
Well the expand button seems to be working nicely now which opens the video bigger out of the activity feed, just working on a little part to get the expand button to show up directly after you add the video but does show on refesh of the page. Videos added before the new one all show the expand button ok.
You can try it out here:
Be interested to know if you have any issues trying it and the video re-sizes ok for what you are wathcing it on. On a phone it's just the standard size as the phone tends to open it in it's own viewer anyway.
Vimeo links also work to display video here as well