Here is something I've been working on and it's something for your members to be able to choose a theme for thier profile. They can choose one when signing up or from thier profile page. Once the tip is ready to share all the code will be there so you can add or edit the css design for your own ones. This is still being developed but thought I would share how it's going so far. Next updates for this are for an image carousel under the choose theme options and then more options for layout type.
Anyways here is a video showing how it works
Following. Glad to have you back Bizz!
Thanks Kos, yep as stuck at home because of the covid issue it's a good way to keep busy and see what new ideas I can come up with. This was something I always wanted to see if could be done and so far is working very well. Glad to be back here on the forum and help where I can :-)
Kos just added an updated post with a new video to show the settings better.
Rock solid Bizz! Nice work!
Thanks Justin, just added another theme and had to make a slight change to the theme names so you may want to adjust yours for the new name or theme.
Here is the one just added
Here are the themes I've added so far and working on a few more, then it will be the option to adjust layout option to do next and also a way of previewing the themes
Cool Blue
Well the Themes are coming along nicely and just added another Gamer Theme. You will notice that all the backgrounds etc are from the Site Themes we have available via our design studio. This was done that way because we all have those images available to us without having to upload any of our own, of course you will be able to add your own but for simpler sharing of the codes it was a better way of doing it. Anyways I have added another new video to show the updates and also a link to my demo site.
Now it's time to start on the next part for choosing layouts to see how this can be done.
My demo site:
great work Bizz... coming along nice!
Thanks buddy, yep moved onto the layouts now and have added page sizes now so users can choose how wide they want their profile page, next will be adding the profile cover size so they can have smaller or bigger cover photos and then will be adding the choice of columns.