Today, with 3.0, building a responsive Ning Network means constantly testing how it displays across mobile and tablet devices. You could resize the browser yourself, or use a browser extension or tools within your IDE; but there is an ultra-simple tool that allows you to see how a page displays on different screen sizes, in a single view. The Responsive Web Design Tool from Matt Kersley works by entering your website's URL into the address bar to test a specific page. The screen and device options are 240 x 320 (small phone), 320 x 480 (iPhone), 480 x 640 (small tablet), 768 x 1024 (iPad – Portrait) and 1024 x 768 (iPad – Landscape). However, the content width cannot be pixel-perfect, as 15 pixels have to be added to the frame to accommodate the scrollbars.
Responsive Design Testing Tool
In this example i used my Mobile 2.0 site
You can share the results of the test with others by adding any URL to the end of the testing page address (e.g. One major benefit of this tool is that it can be self-hosted (available on GitHub) by downloading and installing it on your own site. You can then navigate through the frames that your website appears in, testing the entire site effortlessly.
no problem Diane
Nice! Thanks J!