Hi all
Here is a simple tip to insert a "You Might Be Interested In ... " (call it whatever you like really) section at the bottom of all blog posts, sort of like we have Related Videos on the video module.
Here's how it looks:
What does it do? It pulls in the middle column modules from the blog page, e.g. Latest Blog Posts, Most Popular Blog Posts etc. In the example above it is pulling in the Latest Featured Blogs from the Featured blog posts page.
How to install it:
- Add this script to your Custom Code box (also attached as a text file):
<script type="text/javascript">
x$(document).ready(function() {
x$('.xg_widget_profiles_blog_show .xg_module_with_dialog').append('<h2 class="interested">You Might Be Interested In ... </h2><div id="SPmoreblogs"></div>');
x$('.xg_widget_profiles_blog_show .xg_module_with_dialog #SPmoreblogs').load('/profiles/blog/list?promoted=1 .xg_widget_profiles_blog_list .xg_column.xg_span-4.xg_last .xg_module:contains("Latest Featured Blog Posts")');
The script looks for modules with certain headings on certain pages, so you can change the highlighted items to suit your needs.
- If you want the 'You Might Be Interested In ... ' to say something else then change the orange You Might Be Interested In ...
- If you want to load a module from the All Blogs page (rather than the Featured Blogs Page as I am using) then change /profiles/blog/list?promoted=1 to /profiles/blog/list
- If you want to load a box other than Latest Featured Blog Posts change it to whatever you want, e.g. Most Popular Blog Posts
- Add this CSS to your Advanced CSS section in Design Studio, tweaking the bits that you need to
/*You might be interested font*/
/*List items*/
#SPmoreblogs li {
background: #F9F9F9;
border: 1px solid #E4E4E4;
display: block;
float: left;
margin-right: 3px;
min-height: 58px;
padding: 5px;
width: 168px;
/*Removes border from module*/
#SPmoreblogs .xg_module{
/*Removes module header*/
#SPmoreblogs .xg_module_head{
I hope this is of use. YOu can check out a live demo here.
ps. this is for blogs only for now. Not had time to do the forum. Might get round to it at some point if no one else hacks it in the meantime.
Another neat and clean tip. Thanks for sharing it SP.
Awesome Sp! thanks for sharing!! is it possible to use this trick on photos SP?
possibly, I might get round to it at some point, but not at the moment.
Ok i will try if i can get this right, please let me know if you get it right on photos :) thanks SP!
if no one comes up with a hack then pm me next week :-)
you're welcome Jords
Great minds, Armani, great minds
Excellent! Thank you for sharing